Bill Gertz: Foreign Terrorists Killed US Economy

Who, Me?

The below article was posted on the Drudge Report tonight … it would be laughable if it wasn't being billed as serious news, in my humble opinion.

Financial terrorism suspected in 2008 economic crash
Pentagon study sees element

By Bill Gertz-

The Washington Times
8:54 p.m., Monday, February 28, 201

Evidence outlined in a Pentagon contractor report suggests that financial subversion carried out by unknown parties, such as terrorists or hostile nations, contributed to the 2008 economic crash by covertly using vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system.  Read more….

Event: 24 March Bethesda MD Health Informatics Sponsored by Twitter @DCHealth2.0


Plan to join us the evening of March 24th to hear a rapid-fire series of short presentations from five Health Informatics leaders. The presentations will be followed by a panel style Q&A session that will explore a range of topics surrounding Health Informatics.

1. Exploring the role of medical image informatics in clinical practice: Outcomes from a usability study
2. Analytic Model for Open Space Approach to Health Policy
3. Sharing and Exploring Health Data, lessons from Merck and friends
4. Interactive Publications: The document as a research tool
5. A Universal Exchange Language Supports Comparative Effectiveness & Biomedical Research – Biomedical Informatics Think Tank™ (BITT™)

Complete Information Below the Line

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Event: 2 Mar Fort Myer VA Pentagon Labyrinth


The anthology's ten authors bring over 400 years of experience in the military services, weapons design and testing, Pentagon management, budget and cost analysis, defense investigations, journalism, intelligence, military history and congressional national security staff work.

You are invited to join us for the release of the printed version of The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It. The hard copies will be hot off the press. A free copy to all who attend.

When: Wednesday, March 2 at 6:00 until 8:00 PM

Where: The Old Guard Lounge (downstairs) at the Officers' Club at Fort Myer in Rosslyn, VA. (See directions below.)

What: Meet the authors; debate the issues with us, or just enjoy the event. There will be a cash bar and light snacks.


The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It is a 150 page handbook-guide for both newcomers and seasoned observers to cope with the often byzantine nature of defense issues.

Continue reading “Event: 2 Mar Fort Myer VA Pentagon Labyrinth”

Inside the Business of Malware (infographic) + Resources

Computer/online security, info-graphics/data-visualization, Technologies, Tools, Uncategorized

Infographic: Inside the Business of Malware

Web resources found along the way: (security news)
(malware research) (magazine)


DIY: Free tools for removing malicious software (Techrepublic)

Malware Intelligence of Modern Crimeware

Shadowserver Foundation

FireEye Malware Intelligence Lab

Three Upcoming NYC Events

The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers
Fri, February 25, 4pm – 5pm at the Museum of Modern Art / 11 west 53rd St

Also Feb 25 (and Feb 26) at 7pm
The Kairos Global Summit 2011, taking place February 25th-26th in NYC, is bringing together 350 of the most innovative and entrepreneurial students from the United States, China, India, and Europe to meet 150 of the world’s most influential and globally impactful leaders. Over the course of two days, these current and future world leaders will gather at the United Nations and New York Stock Exchange to explore humanity’s most pressing challenges, develop sustainable and entrepreneurial solutions to these problems, and unveil 50 of the most innovative student startups that are working to change the world.

March 1, 7pm at Columbia Univ (161st Street)
Matt Taibbi, author of Griftopia/Rolling Stone

Comment: An idea associated with Matt Taibbi's recent “Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail” is to produce a “most wanted” list with photos/profiles to circulate online and in print.

Search: algeria yemen somalia tribal maps

Searches, Uncategorized

Google Search (Images) works just fine.  The US Government has never been serious about anthropology or ethnic-religious or “peoples” instead of artificial states (the simpleton's approach to international relations).

Below are images for Algeria, Yemen, and Somalia, with source credits.  As Panarchy becomes the primary mode of global self-organization, we should see a diminuition of “state” boundaries (most of them are failed states anyway) and a resurrection of traditional tribal-natural “zones of influence.”  That is a good thing, but stupid governments replete with hubris and the arrogance of ignorance will no doubt fight it.  Open Borders, Open Money, Open Everything.  Coming soon.

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