Event: 26-27 Sep 10 Paris, Open Source Software


Major Open Source Business Intelligence Vendors Come Together for a One of a Kind Panel at the Paris Open Source Think Tank

The Olliance Group today announced that the 3rd Annual Open Source Think Tank co-hosted by Olliance Group and DLA Piper, is hosting a panel discussion that brings together the three major open source Business Intelligence (BI) vendors; Actuate (NASDAQ:ACTU), Jaspersoft and Pentaho for the first time. The Paris Open Source Think Tank will be held on September 27th and 28th at the Golden Tulip Champs-Elysées Hotel, Paris, France.

“Open source is now an absolutely essential element of the computing environment, but there are challenges to be addressed: business models, intellectual property rights, the impact of the Cloud and more. I am looking forward to hearing how these experts plan on tackling them”


CONFERENCE INFORMATION (Security Exception Needed, Their Certificate is Valid but Not Harmonized)

Tip of the Hat to Mario Profaca, Cyber-Journalist

See Also:

Dr. Dr. Dave Warner UnityNet, STRONG ANGEL, Synergy Follies, Etc.

2007 Open Everything: We Won, Let’s Self-Govern

Search: OSINT software (what vendors refuse to understand)

Secrecy News Extract: US IC…to be or not to be




The continuing controversy over whether the Government Accountability Office will be permitted to participate in intelligence oversight, as some in Congress wish, or whether cleared GAO auditors and investigators will be excluded from intelligence oversight tasks, as the Obama Administration prefers, was discussed in the Washington Post's Top Secret America blog yesterday.   I [Steven Aftergood] participated in a Q&A on the issue with the Post's Dana Hedgpeth here.

Secrecy News Home

Event: 19-20 October 2010 Washington DC Predictive Analytics


Predictive Analytics World Oct 19-20, 2010 to Washington, DC

Predictive Analytics World is the business-focused event for predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners, covering today's commercial deployment of predictive analytics, across industries and across software vendors. The conference delivers case studies, expertise and resources to achieve two objectives:

* Bigger wins: Strengthen the business impact delivered by predictive analytics
* Broader capabilities: Establish new opportunities with predictive analytics

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Israel-Palestine


Israel-Palestinian Authority: US Secretary of State Clinton said on 20 August that Israel and the Palestinians agreed to resume direct negotiations for the first time in 20 months. A senior PLO official said the Palestinians accepted the U.S. invitation to begin direct peace negotiations between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 2 September in Washington. He also said that the talks would be threatened if Israel fails to stop settlement building in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. Clinton said the goal is to reach a peace agreement within one year. No news service has reported a promise by Netanyahu to stop settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

NIGHTWATCH Comment: During President Clinton's administration, the US pursued process over substance in the conviction that repeated process would produce substance. In this policy theory, talking was considered a result. That approach failed everywhere it was tried. Apparently, Ms Clinton has brought the same view to the Obama State Department, namely, that form is substance. The talks today are not likely to ease the tension, produce a durable peace or create a philosopher's stone. One reason is that HAMAS and the Gaza Strip Palestinian groups are not parties to today's agreement.


Phi Beta Iota: The Middle East is the epicenter of future world management by informed consensus.  As Howard Bloom points out in Global Brain–The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century education (or lack of it) is at the heart of the matter.  Children on both sides “learn” by the age of five that the “other” is a pig or monkey. We also have centuries of colonial imposition of artificial boundaries, and colonial deceit, as well as decades of Israeli water theft and Arab corruption–the circle of dictatorships.  The Middle East is a 50 year problem that requires holistic decision support and a global commitment to fund the side by side education of all parties in the context of an imposed peace that includes a five year buy-out of each dictatorship as proposed by Ambassador Mark Palmer in his book, Breaking the Real Axix of Evil. HOWEVER, before we can help heal others we must heal ourselves and stop Shooting the Truth in America while being a Dishonest Broker abroad.