Robert Steele: Jared Kushner, Shadow President — Coronavirus 5G Opportunity for a Revolution?


I and most of my professional colleagues hold Jared Kushner in high disdain. At one level  this is a man-child , slum-lord, agent of a foreign power (Israel) who also took a $1 billion bribe from Qatar, which should have seen him immediately expelled from the White House and denied all clearances.

Many of us also believe that Ivanka Trump was profiled — as was Chelsea Clinton — by Ghislaine Maxwell (Mossad officer and pedophilia pimp) — and manipulated into a marriage of “capture” by a competing tribe that actually hates our President.

At another level, however, he appears to have value to the President in two ways:

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DefDog: Did Israel Release Bio-Engineered Coronavirus in Iran as Well as China?


US? Or more likely, Israel?

Iranian General: Coronavirus Is A Manmade Bio-Weapon

An Iranian military leader has suggested that the coronavirus is not a naturally occurring disease, and that it is a manmade bioweapon cultivated and released against China and Iran by a ‘hostile state’.

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Veterans Today: US Congressman Says AIPAC is a Hate Group (Robert Steele: They Are Also Agents of a Foreign Power)


Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum grabs the mafia (AIPAC) by the balls

“McCollum has become a target of the pro-Israel organization as a result of introducing H.R.2407, an historic piece of legislation that aims to prohibit U.S. taxpayer money from being used to detain Palestinian children in Israel. ‘Israel’s system of military juvenile detention is state-sponsored child abuse designed to intimidate and terrorize Palestinian children and their families,’ said McCollum after introducing the bill, ‘It must be condemned, but it is equally outrageous that U.S. tax dollars in the form of military aid to Israel are permitted to sustain what is clearly a gross human rights violation against children.’”

Continue reading “Veterans Today: US Congressman Says AIPAC is a Hate Group (Robert Steele: They Are Also Agents of a Foreign Power)”