Steven E. Arnold: Canadian Company Waterloo’s NetSweeper Helps Countries Censor Internet

Stephen E. Arnold

Troubling Tech News from Canada

“As part of a globe-spanning investigation released Wednesday, researchers at the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab say they have found fresh evidence that internet-filtering technology developed by Waterloo, Ont.-based Netsweeper is being used in 10 countries to censor access to news, religious content, LGBTQ+ resources, and political campaigns.

“India and Pakistan, both parliamentary democracies, are two notable entries in a list of regimes that includes the UAE.”

#GoogleGestapo: YouTube Substitutes on Blockchain

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Startup Raises $20 Million to Build ‘YouTube on the Blockchain'

Silicon Valley startup Lino is preparing to take on YouTube with a decentralized, collectively-owned video content distribution system that purports to cut out the middleman to more fairly compensate content creators.

The company, which faces competition from Streamspace, Flixxo, Viuly and Stream, all of which are developing similar concepts, received a $20 million vote of confidence from prominent Chinese seed investor Zhenfund during a private token sale, it announced today.

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Kevin Barrett: Did Israel Do the Mosque Massacre in Egypt?

Kevin Barrett

This strikes me as the most plausible scenario.

Dick Eastman of Washington State sends:

THIS BOMB ATTACK ON A MOSQUE IN EGYPT WAS DEFINITELY DONE BY Israeli Operatives and the half Egyptian and  Moroccan Jew Al Sisi KNOWS that. Keeping Egypt under threat and fear and of course inciting Egyptians believe that perhaps Hamas are behind such terrorist attacks DONE ny ISRAELI Zionist Mercenaries on all Muslims, Sunni and Shia alike.  A true Muslim would never attack a house of God, fearing the wrath of God for killing innocent people especially I when they are praying to God, harming His worshippers!!

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