Neil Keenan: The Death of Ban Ki Moon and the Future of Korea within China’s Gold – Backed Orbit

Neil Keenan
Neil Keenan

Metaphorically speaking….

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon Attempts To Pull The Wool Over Chinese / Korean Eyes – Only To Find There’s No Wool

Phi Beta Iota: Neil is a story-teller. Read this at the 80-20 level and soak in the signals — Ban Ki Moon is history; South Korea will be part of the new BRICS Gold Collateral Accounts economy, and the Chinese (and Indonesians) will sooner or later collect all that is owed them from the Rothschilds and others.

Bryan Dean Wright: CIA’s Problem – Subpar Spies

Bryan Dean Wright
Bryan Dean Wright

The CIA's Problem: Subpar Spies

Bryan Dean Wright, Fox Business, April 01, 2016

One year ago, CIA Director John Brennan announced sweeping changes at Langley, promising to reorganize the spy service by instituting a slew of bureaucratic fixes to its management structure.

Then on Thursday, the CIA acknowledged that it left explosive training material on a children’s school bus in northern Virginia. [Note: Wayne Madsen believes this is an indicator that CIA is about to stage false-flag attacks in the USA, using school buses, and blaming ISIS.]

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Yoda: Faircap Project Open source 3D printed water filter aims to solve global crisis for just $1


yoda with light saberThe Faircap Project is a collaborative, clean water initiative, whose aim is to create an affordable open source 3D printed water filtration device that could provide clean, safe, drinkable water to those in need. The startup has already created a working prototype, but is now calling on engineers, designers, microbiologists, or anyone interested in helping to pitch their own open source ideas and make the Faircap filter as low cost and accessible as possible.

I Recommend This Person for a Summer Internship (Electrical Engineering)

Robert David Steele Vivas
Robert David Steele Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: The last person that impressed me this much went from being a Marine Corps major to an SES at NASA working directly for Paul Strassmann, one of my heroes. I brought him to Paul's attention and Paul later said thank you, the individual I recommended was priceless.  I feel the same way about this young man's potential and recommend him most strongly for the most challenging internship possible. I do  this very very rarely.

Denis Smajlaj

Seeking Internship in Electrical Engineering May-August 2016

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