SchwartzReport: 1% Hijacking Genetic Engineering?

Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

We won't hear a word about this in the upcoming election, but this technology has the power to transform human society. Imagine the 1% engineering their children to be Homo Superiors while not covering it by insurance, thus making the process to0 expensive for the 99%. What kind of social order do you think that would produce?

New DNA Tech: Creating Unicorns and Curing Cancer for Real?

Jan Oberg: Learn Conflict and Peace in 20 Minutes

Jan Oberg
Jan Oberg

The world is full of unnecessary violence and human suffering. Do you know anyone who’d like it to continue like that?   If we educate ourselves and look outside the box, we can create a better world for all. Peace and security can be learnt, making conflict illiteracy and most of the violence a thing of the past.  Below is how – not in a column of 800 words but in a twice as long mini text book. It’ll enable you to think new thoughts and take the first steps into a hitherto closed but beautiful landscape. 

Here we go:

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Review: Disaster Handbook

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Robert Brown Butler

5.0 out of 5 stars Six-Star Gold Nugget — a Life-Saving, Property-Saving Keeper, January 27, 2015

Way beyond my expectations, this book is a six-star instant classic that is not only essential for anyone that wants to be thoughtful about being prepared and investing a penny now to save thousands later, but it is a great gift item as well. I am rating this a 6 star book, in my top ten percent across the 2000+ plus non-fiction books I have reviewed here at Amazon.

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Owl: All Young Men Will Join ISIS-Like Elements — No Use for Young Men in the USA, a Prescription for Violent Revolution

Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

What Will the Young Men Do?

Author on peak oil James William Kunstler answers this question from the context of social, cultural and environmental collapse the 1% of the 1% are strenuously engineering to bring about. This article shows his courage in taking on a theme that all mainstream media and punditry completely ignore: what will specifically young men do, especially those in flyover and rural areas, when they all finally figure out the economic game is utterly rigged against them. His prediction, which I find compelling, does not paint a pretty picture:

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Jean Lievens: Collaborative Economy Companies Need To Start Sharing More Value With The People Who Make Them Valuable

Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Collaborative Economy Companies Need To Start Sharing More Value With The People Who Make Them Valuable

It's time for the drivers, hosts, and community members to get a piece of the companies that couldn't exist without them.

Lisa Gansky, 4 December 2014


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