#OWS Rolling Update + US Revolution RECAP

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CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.  ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.  COALITION CABINET is the method.  INTEGRITY is the core value.  COMMONWEALTH RESTORED is the outcome.

Occupy Revolution

OccupyWallStreet (Home Site)

Original Electoral Reform Documents (Updated)

We the People Reform Coalition


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25 March 2012

Penn Badgley Thinks The Hunger Games Works As an OWS Metaphor

OWS Protesters March in New York Against NYPD’s ‘Brutality’

NYC: Surveillance Video Catches Occupy Protester Dumping Giant Tub of Human Feces Inside ATM Lobby… (Warning Disturbing)

OWS Still Strapped For Cash As May Day Approaches

Black Power and OWS

Occupy Consciousness: The American Spring arrives

Continue reading “#OWS Rolling Update + US Revolution RECAP”

Mini-Me: Geithner’s Fingerprints? Tungsten Gold Bar in UK + Meta-RECAP on Financial Fraud

Who? Mini-Me?


Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK

The last time a story of Tungsten-filled gold appeared on the scene was just two years ago, and involved a 500  gram bar of gold full of tungsten, at the W.C. Heraeus foundry, the world’s largest metal refiner and fabricator. It also became known that said “gold” bar originated from an unnamed bank.

It is now time to rekindle the Tungsten Spirits with a report from ABC Bullion of Australia, which provides photographic evidence of a new gold bar that has been drilled out and filled with tungsten rods, this time not in Germany but in an unnamed city in the UK, where it was intercepted by a scrap metals dealer, and was supplied with its original certificate. The reason the bar attracted attention is that it was 2 grams underweight.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Upon cropping it was uncovered that about 30-40% of the bar weight was tungsten. So two documented incidents in two years: isolated? Or indication of the same phenomonenon of precious metal debasement that marked the declining phase of the Roman empire. Only then it was relatively public for anyone who cared to find out on their own. Now, with the bulk of popular physical gold held in top secret, private warehouses around the world, where it allegedly backs the balance sheets of the world’s central banks, yet nobody can confirm its existence, nor audit the actual gold content, it is understandable why increasingly more are wondering: just how much gold is there? And alongside that – while gold, (or is it GLD?), can be rehypothecated, can one do the same with tungsten?

Read more, two more photos.

Phi Beta Iota: The value of the missing gold in this very small bar is on the order of $15,000 to $20,000.  In larger bars such as New York Bank is suspected of systematically diluting, the value would be a double order of magnitude.

All signs point toward a massive financial collapse in the USA immediately following the November 2012 elections.  If either of the two corrupt political parties staff the White House, the USA is toast.  We desperately need electoral reform in  time for November 2012, an honest coalition cabinet, and a crowd-sourced balanced budget such as recommended by We the People Reform Coalition.  Both China and Germany are auditing gold; the integrity of the Federal Reserve and especially the New York Bank are in the toilet.

See Also:

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Geithner's Fingerprints? Tungsten Gold Bar in UK + Meta-RECAP on Financial Fraud”

Mini-Me: The Bin Laden Show Goes on the Road Part III

Who? Mini-Me?


Flash Points: An inside look into Osama bin Laden documents

Christine Delargy, Jacqueline CorbaFlashpoints, 22 March 2012

CBS News senior national security analyst Juan Zarate sat down with CBS News national security correspondent Bob Orr on this week's episode of Flash Points to discuss his recent briefing on the documents taken from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

“What was clear from what I was briefed on throughout the documents was the fact that he is losing control of the movement,” said Zarate, who served as a top national security aide to President George W. Bush.

“He is still trying to drive the strategy but he's meeting with the realities of the environment, not only are they beleaguered and battered by counter terrorism pressure over the past few years, but they are not able to function in the way they once did,” Zarate said.

Zarate added that he received an intriguing look inside the strategic tension between Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, and gave an example of a conversation that may have taken place between the two, where Bin Laden argues, “no brother let's stay focused on what matters, let's cut down the tree at the trunk and the trunk is America, keep attacking America.”

Watch the rest of Zarate's analysis, including his take on Bin Laden's opinions of Yemen and Somalia, in the video above.

Follow Juan Zarate on Twitter for more national security updates and to suggest what you would like to see in the upcoming episodes of “Flash Points.”

Phi Beta Iota:  This is insane.  We've known that reporters have been lipstick on the media advertising pig for a very long time, but we are increasingly realizing they simply do not know anything — no history, no past reading, no continuity of cognizance.  David Ignatius is another matter — he is a long-term “asset of convenience.”  These puppies have no foundation for evaluating anything — they are being fed horse manure.

See Also:

Mini-Me: David Ignatius on the CIA’s “Captured” Abbottabad Files

Bin Laden Show: Entries 01-79 UPDATED 9 March 2012

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Intelligence (Most)



Evan Ravitz: VRA Section at Direct Democracy is a Sham

Evan Ravitz

I just endorsed the VRA [Voting Rights Act of 2012] without enthusiasm. Section 6 looks is a non-nutritive bone thrown to ‘direct” democracy folks -which now includes all Occupy. With Congress setting the agenda, and citizen votes not binding, it's just another opportunity for the pretense of democracy, like all the fake “town meetings” “our” reps hold -functioning as focus groups for propaganda development since there is no vote by the people, as in real New England town meetings.

Phi Beta Iota:  As long as two parties exclude the other six nationally-accredited parties, the USA is not a democracy.  Learn more at We the People Reform Coalition.

See Also:

Direct Democracy 2012   .   Voting Rights Act 2012

http://EvanRavitz.com   .   http://spryeye.blogspot.com

DefDog: Delusions of Power – Absolute Corruption of US Power


Corruption infects our world in many forms: material and moral, visible and invisible, direct and indirect. But the underlying motive behind all things corrupt is a strong opportunistic instinct to benefit oneself at the cost of others by allurement or deception. No wonder politics has fallen so much into disrepute. The aphorism of the nineteenth-century English historian Lord Acton that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” has acquired a special meaning today.

Delusions of Power

by Deepak Tripathi

March 21, 2012

First the video of United States Marines urinating on bodies of Afghans who had been killed. Then the revelation that copies of the Quran had been burned at Bagram Air Base, which also serves as an American prison camp in Afghanistan. Nearly thirty Afghans and several NATO troops died in the violent reaction. The BBC Kabul correspondent described these events, and the violent public reaction to them, as the tipping point for NATO in the Afghan War.

Just as the U.S. commander Gen. John Allen and President Obama hoped that apologies from them would help calm the situation comes another disaster. If official accounts are to be believed, an American soldier left his base in the middle of the night, entered villagers’ homes, woke up Afghan families from sleep and shot his victims in cold blood. After the killings, the soldier was reported to have turned himself over to U.S. commanders, and was flown out of the country. He has since been named as St. Sgt. Robert Bales. Other reports tell a different story, indicating that a group of soldiers was involved. Looking drunk and laughing, they engaged in an orgy of violence, while helicopters hovered above.

Full article below the line.

Continue reading “DefDog: Delusions of Power – Absolute Corruption of US Power”

Mini-Me: What Price When Empire Represses the Truth?

Who? Mini-Me?


The dangers of reporting the ‘war on terror'

We look at Obama's role in the continued imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist and the issues behind it.

Al Jazeera, 24 March 2012

Rarely does the Listening Post dedicate a whole show to the story of a single journalist. But when that story speaks so eloquently of how world history is being written, or erased, we decided it was something we just could not ignore.

In December 2009, Yemen's air force claimed it had killed 30 suspected al-Qaeda operatives during an airstrike on a training camp in the southern Abyan province.

This version of events was circulated around the world but when Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye managed to get to the scene, the remains of the missiles he found were clearly marked ‘Made in the USA'. And among the dead were 14 women and 21 children.

Shaye's subsequent report incriminated the US in a military operation in which they had been so keen to deny any involvement. Yemen dismissed the report and the US refused to comment – and Shaye became a marked man. He was accused of being an al-Qaeda operative and has been behind bars ever since.

Last month, the Yemeni government pardoned Shaye and was about to release him. But it took just one phone call from the US president urging them to reconsider, and the government backtracked.

Shaye remains locked up.

In this week's Listening Post, we take an in-depth look at the case of Abdulelah Shaye: what it reveals about the politics and the dangers of reporting the so-called war on terror – and what the world stands to lose when the work of independent journalists is put on the line.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  Lies are the lowest form of corruption, and they are like sand in the gears of a delicate complex system of systems.  Every lie told has a cost and a consequence far exceeding the temporal benefits to the few of the lie in that time and place.  This is where science, religion, and philosphy converge, in integral consciousness–i.e. intelligence with integrity.