Josh Kilbourn: Winner Take All Politics – Deliberate Engineering of America’s Vast Inequality

Joshua Kilbourn

Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson on Winner Take All Politics

Bill Moyers explores how America's vast inequality didn't just happen, it's been politically engineered.

Xcorps:  3 BIG CHEERS for whistle blowers like Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson along with journalists like Bill Moyers for giving them a platform to shout the details on Winner Take All politics detailing the slide to HELL we have been on!  Occupy Now!

Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson on Winner Take All Politics from on Vimeo.

Mini-Me: House Kills SOPA, PIPA Still Alive

Who? Mini-Me?

House Kills SOPA

Josh Wrtlind

Examiner, 16 July 2012

In a surprise move today, Representative Eric Cantor(R-VA) announced that he will stop all action on SOPA, effectively killing the bill. This move was most likely due to several things. One of those things is that SOPA and PIPA met huge online protest against the bills. Another reason would be that the White House threatened to veto the bill if it had passed. However, it isn't quite time yet to celebrate, as PIPA(the Senate's version of SOPA) is still up for consideration.

Phi Beta Iota:  SOPA is simply the latest example of a Congress that thinks nothing of abdicating its Article 1 responsibilities–every single day, Congress is betraying the public trust.  They will continue to do this until we force upon them the Electoral Reform Act of 2012.

Eagle: Ron Paul an Intellectual Revolution? Who Cares?

300 Million Talons...

Ron Paul: An Intellectual Revolution?


DeathRattleSports, 16 January 2012

What we all need to wake up to is that there is a truth he is not talking about, nor any of the establishment candidates: No matter who gets elected things are going to radically change in the coming years.

The industrial age is not just going away lightly, it is collapsing all around us. The monetary system is junk. Our educational system–put a fork in it. The way we live, work and play–all soon to be extinct, buried in the ground never to be seen again unless humans die off and just a few of us are left to start over.

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Revolution? REVOLUTION???!!! Fuck yes it’s a god damn revolution. There is nothing anyone can do about it. Go ahead, elect Mitt Romney or re-elect President Obama, it will only make the transition an even uglier event. When I was in 6th grade I began to realize something: the system is cocked. The TV had politicians with combovers spewing dumb dumb nonsense to the brainwashed. I was sucking it in but not inhaling. After all, I was only in 6th grade. Even though they knew how to roll it up for me my body refused intake. The whole system did not make sense but we were ok with it until now, as inevitable implosion is upon us. Well, here it is America.

Vote for Ron Paul people. And while you are at it, puff, puff, pass to the left and put yourself in a position to enjoy the show because if you think Ron Paul is crazy you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Read full commentary.

Theophillis Goodyear: Message to Occupy on Non-Violence

Theophillis Goodyear

The video about police preparing for riots has me extremely worried. But protestors need to understand that they're part of the dynamic too. This is a very complex conflict dynamic. Demonizing the police isn't going to help. It will more likely make things worse. And if things escalate beyond a certain point, an incident could easily turn into a situation like the L.A. Riots, because as police lose control troublemakers come out of the woodwork.

America needs some official or officially recognized group to act as legal third party observers in these kinds of protest situations, like the observers that we sometimes send to other countries to observe elections, or like U.N. Peacekeepers, except unarmed—-not to interfere, but to observe. They should be easily recognizable. With observers on hand, both police and protestors would likely be more well behaved.

This is an extremely dangerous dynamic! And if protestors aren't careful, they'll play right into the hands of authoritarians, giving them the perfect excuse for violent crackdown. Then the movement will have lost the moral high ground for good. And a dangerous dynamic of conflict escalation will have begun.

Protestors need to learn to be as polite as angels when protesting. They shouldn't show anger in any way. They should show only gentleness and compassion. They should not resist arrest. And they should become model prisoners once arrested. That was Gandhi's way. It removes any justification for police violence. The slightest deviation from that strategy can only lead to dangerous escalation.

Dolphin: How to Get Ron Paul Elected VIDEO: 4:55


Blue Republicans are people who have never before thought of joining the Republican party, but are going to do so for one year to ensure that Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for President in 2012.

Many of us previously identified as Democrats or Independents and/or supported Obama in 2008. We believe that on issues that matter most — war vs. peace (Iraq, Yemen etc.), civil liberties (Patriot Act etc.), and crony corporatism (bailouts etc.) — Obama has pursued a course similar to that of George Bush.

States are changing their systems all the time so ALWAYS CHECK YOUR OWN STATE INFORMATION to make sure you do what you need to do to make Ron Paul the Republican nominee for President

~new: ~many good reasons WHY Ron Paul will win after all, see:

Mini-Me: Food Giants Push Congress To Name Pizza A Vegetable

Who? Mini-Me?

Pizza is a vegetable, corn is sugar? When do we start tarring and feathering these unethical morons and any Member of Congress that gives them any time at all?

We note with interest that this story appears on Russia Today TV, which has eclipsed the BBC as a source of useful truthful information–and of course it does not appear here in the USA, where the mainstream media blocked opposing views on the Iraq War, preferring to take money and profer 935 now documented lies.

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Obesity has long been a major problem for many children across America. And while many look for solutions, the government stands accused of turning a blind eye to a trend that's causing diabetes and heart disease, but spells profit for giant food corporations. RT's Marina Portnaya tasted what's on the menu in U.S. public schools.