Warren Edward Pollock: Interviewing Robert David Steele on Changing the Trajectory of the US Security State

Warren Edward Pollock

For many years, Robert was in the Republican Party until Dick Cheney hijacked both the party and the White House. He briefly joined the Libertarian Party and considered running for Congress as a Libertarian (VA-11) but ended up focusing on Electoral Reform as the “one thing” that could mobilize all of us who are now shut out of the election and governance system. The two large parties have captured ballot access at the state level which allows them to control the public treasury at the national level.

YouTube (16.46)

Mini-Me: Pressure Increasing on Western Financial Fraud

Who? Mini-Me?

This is moving in gold circles. It is now very clear that the failure to do forensic analysis on the three World Trade Center buildings that were leveled, was in effect the massive and probably pre-ordained destruction of evidence–a crime itself.  Below is at least 50% flaky [e.g. Executive Order 12425 is a pro forma, but there is enough here to warrant reading and reflection.

Thorough Commentary on the DINAR . . .

GansterBankster, undated

It has been a while, but I did not want to repeat myself, give false hope, or just echo what is flying about on the internet.

Today, I read a blog from a friend that was quite encouraging and I want to share with you all my viewpoint.

It is very important to understand how something could be made from nothing. I heard a famous money advisor on the radio this week saying the dinar was a scam, based on the uncertainty of the Iraqi government and the current value of the dinar. Under normal economic circumstances, this is ABSOLUTELY correct. Today, we have no normal circumstance whatsoever, so all bets are off. The Euro is about to implode, the third largest economy in Europe is collapsing, and the funds for illegal banking are being frozen.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Pressure Increasing on Western Financial Fraud”

Oath Keepers: Launches Effort To Recall Members of Congress


Oath Keepers Launches Effort To Recall Members of Congress

In response to the passage by the House and the Senate of the National Defense Appropriations Act of 2012 (NDAA), Stewart Rhodes (left), founder of Oath Keepers, announced a national effort to recall every member who voted for the act.

Oath Keepers was founded by Rhodes to encourage current members of the military services and veterans to keep their oath to protect and defend the Constitution against “all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Members commit to following certain “orders we will not obey,” including, as especially relevant to NDAA, Number Three:

We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.

One of the causes of the American Revolution was the denial of the right to jury trial, the use of admiralty courts (military tribunals) instead, and the application of the laws of war to the colonists. After that experience, and being well aware of the infamous Star Chamber in English history, the Founders ensured that the international laws of war would apply only to foreign enemies, not to the American people. Thus, the Article III Treason Clause establishes the only constitutional form of trial for an American, not serving in the military, who is accused of making war on his own nation. Such a trial for treason must be before a civilian jury, not a tribunal.

The international laws of war do not trump our Bill of Rights. We reject as illegitimate any such claimed power, as did the Supreme Court in Ex Parte Milligan (1865). Any attempt to apply the laws of war to American civilians, under any pretext, such as against domestic “militia” groups the government brands “domestic terrorists,” is an act of war and an act of treason.

Read full article.

Reddit: Users to Target Supporters of SOPA in Congress After Successful Boycott of GoDaddy


Reddit Users to Target Supporters of SOPA in Congress After Successful Boycott of GoDaddy

When GoDaddy.com revealed that it was a supporter of the internet censorship legislation bills SOPA/PIPA, Reddit users and a few big names in the internet business including Wikipedia decided to boycott the web-hosting company.

They threatened to pull their domains, stop using GoDaddy, and get their friends and associates to do the same.

Within a couple days, GoDaddy had reversed its position despite the fact that it had helped write SOPA and was exempt from its rules and regulations. The boycott had been a wild success, forcing the company’s hand much quicker than anyone had anticipated.

In a post at the site today user digitalboy writes “Let’s pick ONE Senator of voted for NDAA/SOPA and destroy him like we’re doing for GoDaddy. Relentlessly investigate and find skeletons in his closet, money bomb is [sic] opponents, etc. It [sic] we could unseat someone and destroy their career it would have massive repercussions.”

Read full article.

Mini-Me: Americans Elect Recruiting Block Organizers

Who? Mini-Me?

You too can be part of the Wall Street Theater Troupe.

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We need you. It's that simple.

Together we are challenging one of the most entrenched systems in the world by taking the power to pick the president out of the parties' hands and putting it back into our hands where it belongs.

It's a truly monumental change to be part of.

And to succeed, we need your energy and commitment as a volunteer Delegate Leader. Please go to:


Already, over 300,000 of us have signed up to participate in the nation's first-ever online presidential nominating convention through Americans Elect. Incredible!

Simultaneously, over 2,500 have also volunteered to be “Delegate Leaders,” stepping up to help spread the word on college campuses and in our neighborhoods.

Today we're asking you to join us as a Delegate Leader as well. With your participation, we'll be able to reach and mobilize new delegates in every community nationwide — ensuring that no voice is left unheard.

When you sign up, you'll get information and materials from an AE Regional Director, who will connect you with other leaders in your area and help get you started. And in January, you'll be able to attend a regional Delegate Leader training event, to learn more about organizing and recruiting AE delegates.

So please sign up as a Delegate Leader today.

The time for Americans Elect has come, but it will take all of us acting together to make it real.

If you're reading this, you are already making history as a delegate. We sincerely hope you'll join us as a Delegate Leader as well.

Thank you for all you're doing,

Kellen Arno
Americans Elect Field Director

Phi Beta Iota:  Brother Mini-Me is very skeptical of Americans Elect because of their internal corruption and their lack of knowledge about state election laws–they will probably lose a third or more of their state ballot access accomplishments to scorched earth litigation from the two-party tyranny.  Having said that, we believe that the general idea of seeking ballot access across all 50 states is worthy; and we know 50 million cultural creatives capable of embracing Americans Elect and elevating its integrity.  For this reason, we endorse the call for Delegate Leaders from Americans Elect, and urge one and all to consider joining them.

John Stein: Staggering Unconstitutionality of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Against US Citizens

John Steiner

Surrendering 2011: Rendition and Methane

Jim Garrison

Huffington Post, 28 December 2011

In the fine print of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, passed just before the holidays, it turns out that in addition to being now legally able to seize without charge and hold indefinitely without trial any U.S. citizen, the government and the military also have the authority to use rendition on U.S. citizens. This was a policy originally enunciated by the Bush Administration to enable the CIA and the military to take suspects from one country to another for interrogation and torture, thus enabling U.S. officials to sidestep any human rights restrictions. Rendition was initially conceived as an extra-legal instrument in the war on terror. Now it is the law of the land and potentially applies to any and all U.S. citizens deemed “suspects.”

Ironically, the Act was passed on the 220th anniversary of the passage of the Bill of Rights. It was signed into law by a president who went to Harvard to study the Constitution. All that remains is to activate the FEMA camps, some 600 nationwide, and 2012 becomes 1984.

This level of cynicism by our national leaders about our constitutionally guaranteed “inalienable rights” and the ability of a free people to determine their own future is staggering in its implications. One particular note concerns the media, which was largely silent until right at the very end, essentially after the Act had already passed both the House and the Senate. The United States just officially transitioned into a totalitarian democracy and the fact was barely noticed. I would guess that less that 15% of the public even knew it happened.

Read full article.