Red Raven: Occupy the Library – Pass It On

Red Raven

Occupy The Library

By Red Raven

America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM).

For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent columns he declared the OWS movement seems little more than a “…confused set of grievances…” and paints the movement to have little ideological coherence save Marxist socialism and anarchy—referring to a “Paris Commune” in Oakland constructing barricades, setting fires, throwing concrete blocks and explosives. He also says city governments now begin to “…look hapless for their accommodation of squalor, robberies, sexual attacks, drug use, vagrancy, and vigilantism.”

Equally he attempts to blame the Democratic Party (that he claims is their “desperate” political calculation) for this phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.

Yet in actuality this movement has exploded precisely because the Democratic Party has been, more or less, in lock step, (save quibbles here and there), with the equally corrupt Republican Party—that is by protecting and serving powerful interest groups and especially those on Wall Street.

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Jameson Quinn – Reflections on Voting Alternatives

Jameson Quinn

Rob R: Thanks for including me on this mail. I know our opinions differ – even, sometimes, to the point where we are forced to doubt each others' good faith. Yet I know that we have a common enemy in plurality voting.

Robert S: I presume you're involved with the “politics and electoral reform” working group of occupy wall street (or some other “occupy” group?). I'm sorry, reading back through this thread, it's hard to tell exactly what your role is. But as far as I can tell, the intent here is to try to find some “consensus language” about voting reform that the various sides can all agree with.

I very much sympathize with this goal. I myself have tried to promote something similar, and the resulting “consensus statement” is posted here and here (same statement, different groups of signatures; over 15 signatures ove-rall, and to my knowledge ALL of those signers have advanced degrees and/or years of experience with the mathematical analysis of voting systems).

The basic thrust of that statement is:

Continue reading “Jameson Quinn – Reflections on Voting Alternatives”

DefDog: Notes on the #Occupy Media Teams


From the folks at Skilluminati…….see also the long pieces on James Angleton, counterintelligence, and CIA leadership as liars (in Angleton's own words).

Notes on the #Occupy Media Teams

Posted Nov 12, 2011

So far, Occupy has thrived as a prototype rather than a program: an open-source laboratory for activism. What follows is a collection of research notes on how #Occupy collectives have evolved media teams, with a special focus on the original group in Zuccotti Park, NYC. Apologies to the authors pilfered here, but no repentance…after all, this is for Science.

Read full piece.

Koko: National Intiative for Democracy


Koko signs:   Even animals practice democracy! NY Times article

The National Initiative for Democracy

A “Plan B” when Congress doesn't Represent

How we're getting Better and NATIONAL Ballot Initiatives

Led by former US Senator Mike Gravel, the National Initiative empowers us to check and balance representatives, similar to ballot initiativesin 24 States, but at all levels from local to national and with major improvements. It gives us a “Plan B” whenever representatives don't represent us. (Do torture, perpetual wars and debt, domestic spying and bailouts for the rich represent you??)

People tried to get this power from Congress, both in 1907 and 1977, with no success. Gravel adopted the Founders' solution: rather than beg the existing 13 Legislatures to ratify the Constitution, the Founders had delegates of The People ratify the Constitution at the Constitutional Conventions. James Madison said “The people were in fact, the fountain of all power, and by resorting to them, all difficulties were got over.”(His 2nd response in the 1787 Debate)

Gravel now resorts to you to read and vote to ratify the National Initiative, to make real the promise of “government by the people.” The National Initiative consists of the brief Democracy Amendment and the more detailed Democracy Act.

Read more and vote if you wish.