Review: Analytics in a Big Data World – The Essential Guide to Data Science and Its Applications

Bart Baesens 5.0 out of 5 stars Superb Overview of Analytic Applications — Focused on Consumer, Contains Math, May 22, 2014 Bottom line up front: a superb book and a truly great overview that is easily understandable to me except for the fraction of the book that is math. Right away I like the structure …

Worth a Look: Analytics in a Big Data World – The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications

The guide to targeting and leveraging business opportunities using big data & analyticsBy leveraging big data & analytics, businesses create the potential to better understand, manage, and strategically exploiting the complex dynamics of customer behavior. Analytics in a Big Data World reveals how to tap into the powerful tool of data analytics to create a …

Yoda: Tutorial – How GoogleEarth and “Tiling” Work to Enable All-Source Near-Real-Time Big Data Sparse Matrix Compression & Tailored Exploitation

TILING 101: 2010 Tile-Based GIS Chapter See Also: How GoogleEarth [Really] Works Introduction After reading an article called “How Google Earth Works” on the great site, it became apparent that the article was more of a “how cool it is” and “here’s how to use it” than a “how Google Earth [really] works.” So …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Big Data Tool Combines MapR with Elasticsearch

MapR Integrates Elasticsearch into Platform Writer Christopher Tozzi opens his Var Guy article, “MapR, Elasticsearch Partner on Open Source Big Data Search,” with a good question: With so many Hadoop distributions out there, what makes one stand out? MapR hopes an integration with Elasticsearch will help them with that. The move brings to MapR, as …

Berto Jongman: Why “Big Data” Cannot Find Malaysian Airlines Aircraft

Why ‘Big Data’ Can’t Find the Missing Malaysian Plane The ongoing search for Flight 370 exposes the world’s serious information gaps. Isaac R. Porche III US News & World Report, 1 May 2014 How can a commercial airliner vanish and remain lost for weeks in an age in which data on virtually everything is collected …