Jean Lievens: Can Accountants Save the Planet? True Cost Economics Gaining Traction

Can accountants save the planet? An international movement has begun in the finance world, and a few innovative global companies are starting to look at how nature and society can be included in their bottom line. Accounting historian Jane Gleeson-White on the revolution starting to take place in boardroom, and how it could transform the …

Jean Lievens: Karl Polanyi – New Economic Thinking — Land is Not a Commodity….

Tip of the Hat to Svend Aage Christensen Learning from Karl Polanyi EXTRACT So what is the explanation for this disjuncture between theory and empirical results? Krugman’s answer is “that workers are not, in fact, commodities.” Unlike soybeans or other commodities, employees know and care about their price, and when they are paid better, they …

SchwartzReport: Economic Inequality Far Worse Than Most Realize – Could Riots Ensue If Knowledge Catches Up?

Part of our social stability, I think, depends on the ignorance most people share about the true measure of economic inequality in the U.S.  A definition of the one per cent: “they have median annual household income of $750,000, median assets of $7.5 million, and there are 1.2 million of them across the country.”  That’s …

SchwartzReport: Naomi Klein on Predatory Capitalism, Holistic Earth & Human Centric Economics

I am beginning to detect a growing trend towards changing the capitalist economic model from one in which profit is the only priority to one in which wellness is the priority, and profit must be made within that paradigm. SPIEGEL Interview with Naomi Klein: ‘The Economic System We Have Created Global Warming’ Phi Beta Iota: …