CounterPunch: Greek Economic Philosophy Today

The Not So Erratic Philosophy of Yanis Varoufakis EXTRACT Greece’s new finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, has been mandated by the leftist Syriza government to negotiate new conditions with the “troika” (the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund) for the continuation of Greece’s desperately needed bailout. He has just written a …

Yoda: Kurds Lead on Economic Innovation

Rojava – the formation of an economic alternative: Private property in the service of all EXTRACT Inspired by the model of democratic confederalism and democratic autonomy, democratic assemblies, women’s council and other democratic organisations have been established. Every ethnic and religious group must be represented in these councils, and the leadership of each evenly divided …

Bojan Radej: Oxfam Reference on Political Capture and Economic Inequality

A fine reference. Oxfam (2014). Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality (Briefing Paper, 32 pages). Phi Beta Iota: The elite is starting to fracture — inclusive and redemptive capitalism are code for “stop the pitchforks.” What the broad elite does not get yet is that infinite wealth can be created if they …