Review (Guest): A Manufactured Crisis – The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

Gareth Porter Review By Peter Jenkins @ Lobelog The subtitle of Gareth Porter’s new book, The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare, is well-chosen. Large parts of A Manufactured Crisis are indeed untold till now. They amount to what the author terms an “alternative narrative”. But don’t be misled by “alternative”. This is not …

Worth A Look: Manufactured Crisis – The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

Gareth Porter Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare Manufactured Crisis provides unique and timely background to the ongoing diplomacy around Iran’s nuclear technology program. In it, award-winning investigative journalist Gareth Porter offers a well documented critique of the official ‘western’ account of what the Iranian government has been doing, and why. …

Chuck Spinney: Today’s Good News – Netanyahu Back in His Box (Temporarily)

  How Netanyahu’s bomb Iran ploy failed Netanyahu will no doubt campaign for re-election at home by demonising Iran as an “existential threat”, writes Porter. Gareth Porter, Al Jazeera, 4 October 2012 Dr Gareth Porter is an investigative journalist and historian specialising in US national security policy The rest of the world can stop worrying …

Bin Laden Show 00: Taliban Offer Pre-9/11 and Post-9/11, US Rejection

Interview with Mullah Omar, Arnaud de Borchgrave (June 2001)  – Very important and rare interview with Mullah Omar the head of the Taliban almost three months before 9-11 on the front page of the Washington Times (June 18).  Omar suggested Osama bin Ladin was a problem he wanted to resolve.  Bush Administration showed no interest …