Chuck Spinney: Without Intelligence or Integrity, Incestuous Amplication of Self-Referencing (Corrupt Idiocy) Assures Eventual Implosion

Sun Tzu or Bismarck: Who will Prevail in the 21st Century? [Note: this first appeared in Time’s Battleland Blog (here)],  The first three chapters in Sun Tzu’s timeless classic “The Art of War” describe how to make net assessments by comparing your strengths and weaknesses and those of your adversary and how to formulate strategy. Near …

Paul Craig Roberts: Attacking Iran, Spending Money, Losing All

Will Iran Be Attacked? Washington has made tremendous preparations for a military assault on Iran. There is speculation that Washington has called off its two longest running wars–Iraq and Afghanistan–in order to deploy forces against Iran. Two of Washington’s fleets have been assigned to the Persian Gulf along with NATO warships. Missiles have been spread …

US Intelligence Lies to “Defer” to General Petraeus

National Intelligence Estimate Failed to Register Taliban Growth Deferring to Petraeus By GARETH PORTER, Counterpunch, 14 February 2011 Despite evidence that the Taliban insurgency had grown significantly in 2010, the U.S. intelligence community failed to revise its estimate for Taliban forces as part of a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Afghanistan in December. That unusual …

Journal: Wikileaks Exposes How NYT and Washington Post Shill for US Government on Iran Missile “Threat”

Iranians (Persians) have viewed Russia (Soviet Union) with distrust and as a menace or outright threat for hundreds of years, at least since the Russian Tsars cemented their expansion into Turkestan (or the Turkic countries in what is now called Central Asia).  The fact that Iran sits on top of one of the world’s largest …