Yoda: Kim DotCom to Launch Alternative Internet

‘By the people, for the people’: Kim Dotcom to launch alternative internet Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom says he will help facilitate an unobstructed internet, free from prying eyes, through MegaNet, which will operate without IP addresses. The German entrepreneur is currently resisting extradition to the US from New Zealand over alleged copyright infringement. Dotcom, who …

Berto Jongman: Hackers Could Take Down the Internet With Million-Device Botnet Worse Than Mirai

Hackers Could Take Down the Internet With Million-Device Botnet Worse Than Mirai Hackers have compromised the security of more than a million internet-connected devices and transformed them into a massive botnet that could take down the internet, researchers have warned. Phi Beta Iota: It is important to note that states such as Israel, not individual …

Julian Assange: Decentralized Crytographic Post-Google Internet

Earlier today Julian Assange posted this following tweet on twitter. “I am looking for a decentralized / cryptographic alternative to Twitter. Twitter’s freedom of expression has been on an inexorable decline. It is enslaved to its US jurisdiction and politics. Although it is substantially better than Facebook that is a very low standard indeed”. For …

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: EVENT 17-19 October, Mountain View, CA The Internet Identity Workshop XXV

The Internet Identity Workshop XXV (#25) October 17, 18 and 19, 2017 Computer History Museum – Mountain View, CA You belong at IIW this Fall! You’ll acquire the real-time pulse of genuinely disruptive technologies that are the foundation of today’s important Internet movements. The Internet Identity Workshop has been finding, probing and solving identity issues …

Yoda: Post-Google Internet? Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) UPDATE 1

Tip of the Hat to Alert Reader. An alternative (post-Google) Internet appears to be emerging.  It is called the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture. It is more secure and reliable than the current internet which is based on the TCP/IP protocol suite. Dr. John Day of Boston University discovered/invented it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_InterNetwork_Architecture_(RINA) http://rina.tssg.org/docs/RINA_poster_A1-v2.pdf http://csr.bu.edu/rina/ http://pouzinsociety.org/ UPDATE 1 Alert …