Matthew Ehret: The Ugly Truth of John Maynard Keynes and the Battle of Bretton Woods

The Ugly Truth of John Maynard Keynes and the Battle of Bretton Woods Seventy-five years of revisionist historians largely funded by the British Roundtable/Chatham House and its American branch (The Council on Foreign Relations) have obstructed the true anti-imperial nature of the founding intention of Bretton Woods and the post war order centered on the …

Matthew Ehret: From COP26 to COVID19: The Fallacy of Predictive Models and a Return to Real Thinking

From COP26 to COVID19: The Fallacy of Predictive Models and a Return to Real Thinking The world has recently been swept up by waves of propaganda promoting the idea that a “Great Reset” of the world system is in order to prepare society for a new “post-COVID’ world order. When one reviews the nature of …

Matthew Ehret: Leibniz: Scientist, Sinophile and Bridge Between East and West

Leibniz: Scientist, Sinophile and Bridge Between East and West Many people would be surprised to discover that Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), a German polymath and logician best known for his discovery of Calculus, was one of the most important sinophiles of the 17th century, whose writings were instrumental in bringing the idea of Chinese culture and …

Matthew Ehret: Why the 1648 Westphalian Treaty Must Be Defended as a Remedy to the Unipolar ‘Rules-Based Order’

Why the 1648 Westphalian Treaty Must Be Defended as a Remedy to the Unipolar ‘Rules-Based Order’ The fact is that the Peace of Westphalia, just like the American Revolution that it inspired, and the UN Charter that served as a continuation of this creative evolutionary march towards progress is like garlic to the Vampires of …

Matthew Ehret: NATO-philes Demand Obedience to International Treaties While Running Roughshod Over Natural Law

NATO-philes Demand Obedience to International Treaties While Running Roughshod Over Natural Law Modern international law is enshrined in certain legal principles outlined in the UN Charter which itself is premised on the right of all nations to full sovereignty and non-interference. These principles were given even more weight with the addition of the Nuremburg codes …

Matthew Ehret: The International Dimensions of 1776 and How an Age of Reason Was Subverted

The International Dimensions of 1776 and How an Age of Reason Was Subverted This July 4th, a larger-than-usual shadow is cast upon America which has come face-to-face with some serious historic reckonings. While the existence of an oligarchy and international “deep state” should not be ignored as a political force of history- arranging wars, assassinations …