Matthew Ehret: A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance

A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance As a Canadian author associated with a Canadian geopolitical magazine and a book series rooted in the thesis that Canada is still under the dominance of the British Empire to this very day, the July 1st holiday known as “Canada …

Matthew Ehret: Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy

Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy Are geopolitical analysts in the west seriously delusional enough to believe that Russia and China can be undermined? It was only one month ago that the world found itself trapped on a fast track to nuclear war between …

Matthew Ehret: An Open vs Closed System Struggle: The Fight for Continental Water Management in Quebec

An Open vs Closed System Struggle: The Fight for Continental Water Management in Quebec While minister of Hydraulic Resources under the leadership of l’Union Nationale Premier Maurice Duplessis(1945-1959), Daniel Johnson championed large scale water and hydroelectric projects, making Quebec into the premier pioneer of hydroelectric engineering in the world. Prior to Maurice Duplessis, Québec’s break …

Matthew Ehret: The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire part 4: Daniel Johnson’s Courage

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire part 4: Daniel Johnson’s Courage At the official dinner honouring General de Gaulle on the evening of his arrival in Québec, Premier Daniel Johnson was full of hope and outlined his acceptance of the General’s challenge to join in his Great Design. “Under your leadership, France has …

Matthew Ehret: The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire part 3: Freedom for the Whole of Canada

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire part 3: Freedom for the Whole of Canada In this third part of the story co-written with Raynald Rouleau, we continue to explore the story of the De Gaulle- Daniel Johnson Grand Design of the late 1960s which nearly changed the course of world history. Part one …

Matthew Ehret: The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire Part Two (A New Vision Takes Shape)

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire Part Two (A New Vision Takes Shape) This article was co-written with historian Raynald Rouleau as section two of a four part series. Part one can be read here. During the summer of 1967, Canada was celebrating its centennial with the 100th anniversary of the British North America …

Matthew Ehret: The 1648 Peace of Westphalia: A Phase Shift in Universal History

The 1648 Peace of Westphalia: A Phase Shift in Universal History Today’s world is shaped by a tension caused by two opposing paradigms pulling humanity into two directions. Where one is unipolar and premised around an organizing principle of “Might makes Right”, the other is multi-polar and shaped by a principle of “win-win cooperation”. Where …