Richard Wright: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: All Eyes No Brain Part II

The USAF claim that the tragic killing of 23 innocent Afghan civilians last February by one of its Predator UAVs was due to “information overload” reflects an appalling lack of critical thinking on the part of senior Air Force officers. General Mike Hayden (USAF ret.) when director of the NSA used regularly entertain the U.S. …

Reference (2): United Nations Intelligence in Haiti

MajGen Eduardo ALDUNATE Herman, Chilean Army (Ret), served as the Deputy Force Commander of the United Nations Force in Haiti (MINUSTAH) in the earliest rounds, and was instrumental in both sponsoring the Joint Military Intelligence Analysis Center (JMAC) concept in its first modern field implementation, but also in evaluating most critically both the lack of …

Reference: Human Intelligence (HUMINT)–All Humans, All Minds, All the Time

Robert David Steele Position: External Researcher Email Mr. Robert D. Steele ROBERT D. STEELE is a retired Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer and also qualified as an S-1/Adjutant, with service at all levels from platoon to Service Headquarters. After four years active duty (the balance in the Individual Ready Reserve) and a decade in …

Search: UN intelligence peace intelligence

UN Intelligence Books use: Truth & Reconciliation (52) United Nations & NGOs (38) Books: INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability 2008 COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace Review: Corruption and Anti-Corruption–An Applied Philosophical Approach Review: A More Secure World–Our Shared Responsibility–Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change …

Journal: With No Successor In Sight, Intelligence Czar Departs

FULL STORY:  Declassified ( May 28, 2010 By Mark Hosenball On Dennis Blair’s last day in office as director of national intelligence, the Obama administration seems more stymied than ever in its efforts to replace him. Following a torrent of criticism from Capitol Hill—apparently touched off by this Declassified interview with Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the …