Mongoose: US Media Calculated Fraudulent Campaign Against Putin and Russia

Swedish Analyst – The Smear Campaign against Putin and the true US Agenda – Part 1 While the Russian opinion polls in support of President Putin now has reached a record level of 89% he is simultaneously target of a very dirty smear campaign in the West. Putin, we are told, is a power-hungry dictator …

Chuck Spinney: Deconstructing Russia & Avoiding False Narratives — Interview with Segei Ivanov, Chief of Staff to Vladimir Putin

Below is the abbreviated transcript of a wide-ranging interview with Segei Ivanov, chief of staff to Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Ivanov, a former KGB officer, is a long-time colleague of Mr. Putin dating back to Leningrad in the 1970s. The interview was conducted in Russian and translated by Kathrin Hille  for the Financial Times.  The summary analysis of …

Mini-Me: NSA Gutting of US Communications and Computing Likely to Cost US Tech Companies Way More Than $35 Billion

NSA Surveillance May Cost U.S. Tech Companies More than $35 Billion Two years ago, when Edward Snowden exposed the NSA’s massive surveillance machine it didn’t just make Americans distrust the U.S. government—it also impelled foreigners to shy away from U.S.-made technologies. The result appears to be costly. In fact, a new report from the Information …

Owl: Putin’s Absence — Putting Down a Coup or Preparing for WWIII?

While so much useless media noise occurred around Netanyahu’s election in Israel, it seems to me that, at the same time, the absence of Vladimir Putin for 10-11 days until recently is peculiar and unsettling, and possibly much more significant in ways the media could or would not openly speculate on. More: DEFCON Warning System …

Mongoose: The War Against Putin – What the Government-Media Complex Isn’t Telling You About Russia UPDATE to Add Brzezinski & Grand Chessboard Focus on Ukraine

Re the elective war over Ukraine, there is an incredible book out: The War Against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex Isn’t Telling You About Russia, which I nominate as the book of the century (yes!) in so far as it has the power to wake up the masses and thus prevent any attempt by the …

Patrick Meier: Forthcoming Possibilities in Humanitarian Technology Leveraging Big Data and Computing Research Institutes

Computing Research Institutes as an Innovation Pathway for Humanitarian Technology The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) is an initiative by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to improve humanitarian action. The Summit, which is to be held in 2016, stands to be one of the most important humanitarian conferences in a decade. One key pillar of WHS is humanitarian innovation. “Transformation …