NATO BOOK: Internet-Based Intelligence in Public Health Emergencies

Internet‐Based Intelligence in Public Health Emergencies Early Detection and Response in Disease Outbreak Crises Editors Mordini, E., Green, M.  Pub. date March 2013  Pages 160  Binding softcover Volume 105 of NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – E: Human and Societal Dynamics ISBN 978-1-61499-174-8 Subject Computer & Communication Sciences, Security & Terrorism, Social Sciences …

Stuart Umpleby: Role of Cybernetics in Intelligence — Extrapolation

Downloadable Document:  2011 AAAS Security Policy & Cybernetics Dr. Stuart Umpleby As I understand it, the fundamental problem with secret intelligence is too much self-reference and too little peer review.  Stated differently, any advice from a subordinate to a superior has two components — describing some observed system and wanting to please the boss.  Peer …

2013 Robert Steele Answers to MA Student in UK — OSINT and Terrorism 2.0

Am quite happy to help you as very few really have a mastery of this emerging pillar of 21st Century intelligence.  I am posting this answer at Phi Beta Iota to help others, and will gladly respond to any further questions you might have, respecting your individual privacy. 01)  In identifying and discussing the mechanisms …

Yoda: US Diplomatic-Commercial Internet Initiative — Affordable Good, Proprietary Bad

Half-full, glass is. Hillary Clinton Helps Silicon Valley on Her Way Out the Door Elizabeth Dwoskin BloombergBusinessWeek, 4 February 2013 Taking the podium in the State Department’s Ben Franklin Room one last time on Thursday before stepping down, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thanked lots of people, offered reminiscences, and announced a flurry of last-minute …

Stuart Umpleby: Social Sciences Differ from Physical Sciences

Here is a fragment from a listserve that is related to reflexivity.  It explains how social science is different from physical science.  Assuming that an approach developed for physical systems can also be used for social systems will miss a key feature of social systems. Very interesting paper on application of science to agriculture, in …