SchwartzReport: EPA Blocks New Bee-Killing Pesticides But Protects Existing Pesticides

This is the current state of neonicotinoid regulation in the U.S., and it is rather pathetic. Like DDT even skeptics now have to deal with the research on  neonicotinoids, because the evidence for the harm they do  is overwhelming. But it is easy to see the hand of special interests in this moratorium. Products already …

SchwartzReport: Muslims to Outnumber Christians by 2070 (55 Years – 1 to 2 Generations)

No developed Christian country has a sustainable birthrate, and just as many White people are freaked out at America becoming a majority minority nation, so the freak out becomes all the greater when they learn that Christians will soon be a smaller group than Muslims, as this report describes.  And here is the kicker: As …

SchwartzReport: Peter Thiel on the Death of American Democracy – Where He Is Right — And Wrong

This is about as clear a statement of the noncarbon generation high tech mogul perspective as I have read.  The article also gives an accurate, I believe, critique as to where he is in error. Most fundamentally I think Thiel has confused process and specific circumstances. I think democratic government can work very well. It …

SchwartzReport: Economic Inequality Far Worse Than Most Realize – Could Riots Ensue If Knowledge Catches Up?

Part of our social stability, I think, depends on the ignorance most people share about the true measure of economic inequality in the U.S.  A definition of the one per cent: “they have median annual household income of $750,000, median assets of $7.5 million, and there are 1.2 million of them across the country.”  That’s …

SchwartzReport: American War Machine — Cash Cow for the 1% Swath of Destruction for the 99%

You would think it would be obvious by now that the trillions of dollars we spend on the military industrial complex and its wars are not making us safer and that our geopolitical strategy is not producing the outcomes we seek. How the American War Machine Is Sucking Up Vast Amounts of Cash to Screw …