SchwartzReport: Mind Over Matter

No economic, political, or military power can compare with the power of a change of mind. By deliberately changing their images of reality, people are changing the world. Counterclockwise: When Biology Is Not Destiny

SchwartzReport: GMO = Genetic Damage

Here is the latest peer-reviewed research on GMOs and their effects on humans, in this case children.This is a nasty business driven by one imperative: Greed. Children in GM soy-growing area of Argentina have genetic damage Media article in Spanish     .     Study in English

SchwartzReport: The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) Secretive Right-Wing Corruption of the US Judiciary

I consider the corruption of the American judicial system to actually be worse that the corruption of the legislative branch of government. And the fact that a sitting Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, was present and contributed to this movement to skew the judiciary to reflect the views of the corporatist Theocratic Right, in my …

SchwartzReport: Undamming Rivers…

Depaving Cities, Undamming Rivers: How We’re Undoing the Damage The largest dam-removal project in history reached completion last fall, when excavators dredged the final tons of pulverized concrete from the Elwha River channel in Western Washington. Native fish, banished for 100 years from their historic spawning habitat, already were rediscovering the Elwha’s newly accessible upper stretches. …

SchwartzReport: Giving Homes to Homeless Cheaper than Neglecting Them on Street

Yet again we have evidence that the compassionate life-affirming choice in social programs is not only the most wellness oriented, it is also cheaper, and more efficient. We see this over and over, so one must ask, why so often is this not the option chosen? Hate, a need to punish the vulnerable? Self-righteous superiority? …