Secrecy News: ODNI Tools for Data Fusion & Analysis

ODNI DESCRIBES EMERGING TOOLS FOR DATA FUSION, ANALYSIS Several intelligence community initiatives to develop improved tools for data search, analysis and fusion were described in the latest report to Congress (pdf) from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on data mining. A new program called DataSphere is intended “to aid in the discovery …

Secrecy News: CRS Reports on Debt Limit–Congress Does Not Want CRS Reports Made Public

THE DEBT LIMIT: HISTORY AND RECENT INCREASES A statutory limit on total federal debt has been in place since 1917.  In the past decade, Congress has voted to raise the debt limit ten times and it will now have to do so once again. The history of the debt limit and its current implications were …

Secrecy News: P. J. Crowley & SecState Integrity?

P.J. CROWLEY AND THE LIMITS OF OPENNESS State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley resigned yesterday facing an Obama Administration backlash against his remarks declaring the treatment of suspected leaker Pfc. Bradley E. Manning “ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid.” The conditions of Private Manning’s detention became the subject of controversy when his lawyer complained that Manning was …