Mother Jones: YouTube (1:49) Inside the World’s Largest Solar Boat

Step Inside the World’s Largest Solar Boat The solar plane will land in New York City soon, but its water-borne counterpart is already here: Early this week the world’s largest solar-powered boat steamed into lower Manhattan and docked in small marina, usually reserved for multimillion dollar yachts, in the shadow of the new World Trade …

SchwartzReport: Japan Solar Power Replaces Seven Nuclear Reactors — In ONE YEAR

The Germans have done it. The Japanese are doing it. We remain in the grip of the carbon energy barons. Japan: The World’s New Star in Solar Power FORTUNE — Until recently less than 1% of Japan’s electrical power output came from renewables. But following the catastrophe of Fukushima and the power blackouts that followed, …

SmartPlanet: Closer to Spray-On Solar Power for Windows

Startup New Energy Technologies says that it has made a significant advancement toward large-scale production of “spray on” solar power generating windows. New Energy debuted a prototype of its “SolarWindow” technology in 2010. It has been gradually moving toward commercialization ever since, and today announced improvements that it says will bring it closer to manufacturing …

SchwartzReport: Solar Traps Game Changer — and US Allows Seven Toxic Food Practices Banned in Europe

Here is another potential game changer in the transition to non-carbon energy. More and more breakthroughs are popping up. One can only wonder what it would have been like if we had put the trillions we have spent on war into eliminating carbon energy, and transitioning to energy technologies that were non-polluting. Inventor Claims Solar …