Review: Partnership for the Americas – Western Hemisphere Strategy and U.S. Southern Command

James Stavridis 5.0 out of 5 stars Our Best Thinking to Date — We Can Go Much Further, December 24, 2014 This is the pre-cursor book to The Accidental Admiral: A Sailor Takes Command at NATO which I have reviewed most favorably and strongly recommend. This book — while free online as are all NDU …

Berto Jongman: Clint Watts on Seven Flaws in US Strategy to Counter ISIS

Seven Flaws In the U.S. Strategy to Counter ISIS (Editor’s Note: This blog post is derived from Clint Watts’ Ginsburg Lecture delivered at the National Liberty Museum on September 16, 2014.) The past week’s debate on how to counter ISIS has proven just how effective terrorism is as a tactic for extremist groups.  Two videos showing the …

2014 The National Intelligence Strategy of the USA — 3 Strikes and Out

(U) 2014 US National Intelligence Strategy STRIKE ONE: Refuses counterintelligence on domestic enemies. STRIKE TWO: Refuses Whole of Government. STRIKE THREE: Refuses Acquisition. The six sucking chest wounds identified in 1990 continue. HUMINT/CI are dead in the water, followed by OSINT and mature holistic analytics integrating true cost economics. We continue to process 1% of …

Marcus Aurelius: No Boots on the Ground is a Mantra Not a Strategy Plus Steele to Hagel

‘No Boots on the Ground’ Is a Mantra, Not a Strategy By Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, U.S. Army retired and Lt. Gen. James M. Dubik, U.S. Army retired Army Magazine, 15 August 2014 No political or military leader responsible for the lives of citizens who become soldiers ever wants to give the order to put …

Patrick Meier: Humanitarian UAV Strategy

Humanitarian UAV Network: Strategy for 2014-2015 The purpose of the Humanitarian UAV Network (UAViators) is to guide the responsible and safe use of small UAVs in humanitarian settings while promoting information sharing and enlightened policymaking. As I’ve noted in the past, UAVs are already being used to support a range of humanitarian efforts. So the question …

Chuck Spinney: Wallerstein on China-Russia Grand Strategy

The self-referencing chattering class is up in arms about the $400 billion Russia-China gas deal, seeing it and the associated Russia-China alliance as a threat to the grand strategic ambitions of the United States to remain, in the words of President Obama at West Point, the world’s “indispensable”* power.  Taking place against the immediate backdrop of the prevailing US narrative** …

Daniel Villegas: 24 Elements of Content Strategy

Charlie Southwell (@charliesaidthat) brought this article to my attention. It’s an interesting analysis on how to bring content strategy together. As Rahel Bailie posted on Charlie’s Facebook account where he posted this, she noted that much of this article could be talked at even longer length about some of these components, and she’s right.  Take …