2013 Robert Steele Reflections on Alternative Command & Control (AltC2) — Five Questions and a Game Plan 1.1

1.1 Adds contribution “An API for NATO” from Innovation Hub participant laukner, and adds Open Source Everything (OSE) graphic that most of us agree is the necessary technical transformation that must take place for the UN, EU, NATO, BRICS, and others to be effective at M4IS2 and creating a prosperous world at peace, a world …

Berto Jongman: Psycho-Pathology in USA

60 Million People in the U.S. Negatively Affected By Someone Else’s Pathology (Think Sociopaths and Psychopaths) One in 25 people will have the disorders associated with ‘no conscience’ which include antisocial personality disorder, sociopath, and psychopath. 304 million divided by 25 = 12.16 million have no conscience. Each antisocial/psychopath will negatively affect approximately 5 partners with their …

Jim Clapper: Do I Really Want to Be Here? + Robert Steele’s Simple Guide to Fixing National Intelligence + Intelligence Failure Meta-RECAP 2.0

Americans Must Call for Independent Counsel and Ouster of Clapper (Forbes) Fire James Clapper: The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about? (Slate) James Clapper, NSA and the “L” word (Washington Post) James Clapper Reassures Private Contractors In Wake Of NSA Leak (Huffington Post) N.S.A. Disclosures …

Reflections on Insanity & Integrity + Reflections RECAP

I’ve been watching three areas the past few months: 01  Afghanistan and the non-existent exit strategy 02  NSA and the implosion of accountability in the US IC 03  Veteran suicides, active duty sexual assaults, and “the German disease” From where I sit, the senior leadership across the national security community and deep into every corner …

Berto Jongman: Professor Charles Kurzman Points Out Blatant Errors in World Map of Terrorism Now Posted at the Web Site of the NCTC

As Phi Beta Iota likes to say, “we do not make this stuff up.” Dear US Government: Your ‘Terror’ map of the Muslim World is from the Time of Shakespeare (Kurzman)) Charles Kurzman is a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and co-director of the Carolina Center for the …

Marcus Aurelius: Congress Cuts DoD Spies in Half — CIA Continues to Run Amok — + Clandestine/Analytic Meta-RECAP

Congress Smashes Pentagon’s New Den of Spies By Noah Shachtman WIRED Danger Room 05.21.13 7:29 PM If the Pentagon’s not careful, it’s going to find its new network of spies rolled up by Congress. The Defense Clandestine Service was supposed to be the Defense Department’s new squad for conducting “human intelligence” — classic, informant-based spying. …