Yoda: The most comprehensive report on the motives behind what we call “medicine”

Alert reader says: In the last seven decades, the guardians of public health, instead of promoting health and preventing diseases, successfully managed to chip away the naturally synchronized and complex molecular dynamics of effective immunity and increased and shifted the population of induced diseases in young and old. Frequent use of drugs and pathogen‐specific vaccines …

James Fetzer: William De Berg, The Pandemic That Wasn’t

Many have argued since its inception that COVID-19 was not the pandemic that governments and medical establishments and the media have led us to believe.    The COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in early March—still the best controlled COVID-19 data—was the first telling sign:  over 3000 passengers tested, 712 found COVID virus positive, 13 died. …

James Fetzer: Edward Hendrie, The COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers are Violating Federal Law by Concealing the Known Dangers from Vaccine Recipients

Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN, wrote an article on or about November 12, 2020, which was prior to the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines. But what Dr. Mercola wrote at that time is as topical today as it was when he wrote it. He explained how the (then proposed) …