Mini-Me: Latin America to USA — “Piss Off” + Cuba Makes Four Offering Asylum + Bolivia RECAP + Exchange for US Extradicting Bankers on Table

Huh? Three Latin American leftist leaders offer asylum to Snowden (Reuters) – Bolivia offered asylum on Saturday to former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden, joining leftist allies Venezuela and Nicaragua in defiance of Washington, which is demanding his arrest for divulging details of secret U.S. spy programs. EXTRACTS: “I want to tell … the …

Berto Jongman: Wesley Strong on Fear Geoengineering

Fear of a Geo-engineered Planet Wesley Strong Wesley Strong Ethical Technology Posted: Jun 21, 2013 The climate crisis demands our immediate attention. Climate change could devastate thousands of at-risk communities beyond repair and leave the face of the earth scarred. We cannot be alarmist enough about continued climate change and the threat it poses to …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Escalates — WWIII Kick-Off?

Syria: Reports from Aleppo indicate fighting continues and the opposition has lost ground in outlying areas. The reports also indicate the main government offensive push has not yet begun. North Korea-Syria: According to South Korean press, on 14 June, a “well-informed diplomatic source” said that “North Korea has dispatched chemical weapon technicians to Syria since …

Berto Jongman: Professor Charles Kurzman Points Out Blatant Errors in World Map of Terrorism Now Posted at the Web Site of the NCTC

As Phi Beta Iota likes to say, “we do not make this stuff up.” Dear US Government: Your ‘Terror’ map of the Muslim World is from the Time of Shakespeare (Kurzman)) Charles Kurzman is a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and co-director of the Carolina Center for the …

Allen Roland: Honoring Chalmers Johnson, Prophet of Truth + Empire Meta-RECAP

Prophet for a Dying Empire Every dying Empire has its truth telling prophet and America had its own with Chalmers Johnson. Johnson correctly compared the decay of the American empire, with its well over 600 overseas military bases, with the fall of the Roman Empire whereas the Senate becomes a wealthy corporate club and irrelevant …

Patrick Meier: Google Blimps for Local Area Coverage and Disaster Response + Google Evil RECAP

Google Blimps for Disaster Response A blimp is a floating airship that does not have any internal supporting framework or keel. The airship is typically filled with helium and is navigated  using steerable fans. Google is apparently planning to launch a fleet of Blimps to extend Internet/wifi access across Africa and Asia. Some believe that “these …

Mini-Me: African Union at 50 — Anti-NATO Anti-EU or an EU-NATO ACT Opportunity? How Should EU-NATO Engage BRICS Over Africa?

Huh? Africa and U.S. Imperialism – Post-Colonial Crises and the Imperatives of the African Revolution (AllAfrica) Africa: Celebrating Tajudeen, the OAU and AU – Which Way Africa? (AllAfrica) Africa Must Guarantee Her Own Security (AllAfrica) Africa rises as BRICS countries set up a different development aid model (Kenya Daily Nation) African Union and EU to …