Event: 9-14 August 2016 Montreal World Social Forum

The goal of the WSF 2016 is to gather tens of thousands of people from groups in civil society, organizations and social movements who want to build a sustainable and inclusive world, where every person and every people has its place and can make its voice heard. Conference Page

Berto Jongman: NSF Truthy Social Media Project

Feds Pouring Money Into a Project to Create a Database to Track “Suspicious” Internet Memes The federal government spent $1 million to create an online database that will collect “suspicious” memes and track “misinformation.” The project, which is known as the “Truthy Database” is being funded by The National Science Foundation, but it seems as …

Ty Simpson: Governor of Michigan Gave GM a Special Water Hook-Up

While the Children in Flint Were Given Poisoned Water to Drink, General Motors Was Given a Special Hookup to the Clean Water: Shortly after Gov. Snyder removed Flint from the clean fresh water, GM complained to him that the Flint River water caused their car parts to corrode when washed on the assembly line. The …

Robert Perry: Nazi Roots in Western Ukraine — Funded by CIA

Nazi Roots of Ukraine’s Conflict Exclusive: Few Americans understand the ugly history behind the Nazi-affiliated movements that have gained substantial power in today’s U.S.-backed Ukrainian regime. Western propaganda has made these right-wing extremists the “good guys” versus the Russian “bad guys,” as Jonathan Marshall explains.