Review: The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted

Mike Lofgren 4.0 out of 5 stars 6 on Republicans, 3 on Democrats, 0 on the Other 50% of America’s Voters,August 12, 2012 I read this book is in original incarnation, “Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult,” (truthout, 3 Sep 2011), and have to give the author high …

Robert Steele: Audio of SPY IMPROV at Hackers on Planet Earth

Several HOPES ago, Robert Steele started doing separate Q&A sessions using his knowledge as a former spy, pioneer of open source intelligence, advocate of multinational sense-making, and #1 Amazon reviewer for nonfiction. At The Next HOPE (2010), with help from those who stayed with him, he set what may be the world record for Q&A, …

Owl: China Delivered Turn-Key Nuclear Ballistic Missile System to Saudi Arabia from 2003

The most interesting item mentioned in this article about this self-published book from a CIA contractor, is the following: “ALEXANDRIA, Va. (CN) – Former CIA contractor Jonathan Scherck published a book “containing intelligence-related information” without the CIA’s permission and in violation of his secrecy agreements, the United States claims in Federal Court…In the excerpt from …

Winslow Wheeler: Hill Hearing on Defense Backs Into the Truth

Foreign Policy is running my description of the hearing that Buck McKeon put on yesterday with Lockheed-Martin and a cast of lesser, not entirely cooperative, other characters.  Find my analysis at, and below: Hard of Hearing Why the House’s attempt to save defense spending might flop. BY WINSLOW T. WHEELER | JULY 19, 2012 It …