How Washington Works–Against the Public Interest

The Billion-Dollar Bank Heist How the financial industry is buying off Washington—and killing reform. Gary Rivlin Newsweek, 11 July 2011 Phi Beta Iota:  Read every word.  A blow by blow description of why Washington is as corrupt and pathologically ineffective at governance as any “failed state.” See Also, by the Same Author: Broke, USA: From …

Stephen E. Arnold : The Landscape of Enterprise Search

Stephen E. Arnold: The New Landscape of Enterprise Search. A Critical Review of the Market and Search Systems. Published by Pandia, Oslo, Norway, 2011. ISBN: 978-82-998676-0-3 Pandia Book Page The following enterprise search companies are covered in detail: Autonomy Endeca Exalead Google Search Solutions Microsoft and Fast Vivisimo   Phi Beta Iota:  For over fifteen …

Review: Global Public Policy – Governing Without Government?

Wolfgang Reinicke Pioneering Work, Missing Some Pieces,July 7, 2011 This is a pioneering work, easily a decade ahead of other world-class efforts, my favorite being that of (then) World Bank Vice President for Europe, J. F. Rischard, High Noon 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them. It has been largely over-looked, but should gain …

Review: The Philanthropy of George Soros – Building Open Societies

UPDATE 30 June to add link to Notes on, and Video of George Soros and Aryeh Neier discussing the theme.  See also his full essay online with comment: George Soros Nails It: Intelligence with Integrity Chuck Sudetic 6 Star Special–Soros Out-Grows Broken System, June 24, 2011 On its own merits, without the Foreword from George …

Retrospective: Jackie Salit Nails Two Parties in 2010

THE PARTIES ARE OVER by Jacqueline Salit Goodbye two-Party system?  Discontent is building to open up the political process NEW YORK NEWSDAY THE SUNDAY SPECIAL October 31, 2010 Name a problem — poverty, war, out-of-control spending. The political parties offer themselves as the solution to all of the above, and more. We respond by voting …