Yoda: On Religion – Link List

Overheard at dinner in Afghanistan: Religion is the space between the dots, science the dots, and philosophy the mind-set that blends the two. Education, intelligence (decision-support) and research are the sources and methods for achieving integral consciousness — godliness in spirt, integrity in fact, and heaven on earth in community. Religions can be evaluated in …

Yoda: Crowdsourcing Exploitation of NSA’s Unprocessed Data

Oversight: Crowdsourcing the NSA’s surveillance programs Geek comedian Tom Scott imagines citizen volunteers accessing the real-time data store of spy agencies to help keep the country safe. Imagine that the NSA and the U.K.’s GCHQ opened their databases and tools to public volunteers to aid them in the search for terrorists. Tom Scott, who is …

Yoda: US Government Made News Approved for Public — Robert Steele Comments

Complex, force is. U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans Posted By John Hudson Sunday, July 14, 2013 – 7:06 PM Share For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the …

Yoda: Pope Acknowledges Corrupt Gay Cabal Across Vatican & Church

Good, this is. Pope ‘admits that gay prelate network exists’ Leaked notes from private meeting show pontiff speaking about a ‘stream of corruption’ The pope has admitted the existence of a network of gay prelates in the Vatican, reports published on Tuesday said. According to leaked notes of a private conversation with Catholic officials at …

Yoda: Nicaraguan Canal Moves Forward — Thai Canal Next?

Good, this is. Nicaragua Plows Ahead With Chinese-Funded Panama Canal Rival MANAGUA, Nicaragua –  Fast-tracking a proposal through the ruling party-controlled Congress despite a lack of details about the $40 billion project, Nicaragua is moving ahead with a plan to dig a Chinese-funded rival to the Panama Canal across the midriff of the country. A …

Yoda: America the Refrigerated Nation — What Happens When….

Interesting, this is. CABINET, Issue 47 Logistics Fall 2012 The Coldscape Nicola Twilley More than three-quarters of the food consumed in the United States today is processed, packaged, shipped, stored, and sold under artificial refrigeration. The shiny, humming stainless steel box in your kitchen is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak—a tiny …