Yoda: New Crowd-Sourcing Cellular Application: Shots Fired

Now, this is real crowd-sourcing http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/04/130425213800.htm Apr. 25, 2013 — You are walking down the street with a friend. A shot is fired. The two of you duck behind the nearest cover and you pull out your smartphone. A map of the neighborhood pops up on its screen with a large red arrow pointing in …

Yoda: From GIGANET with Love – Protecting the Internet from Dictators Plus….

The Innovation Journal Volume 18 Issue 1, 2013 Special Issue on the Middle East Edited by Alexander Dawoody, Marywood University, USA Peer-Reviewed Papers: 2  The Challenge of Good Governance, by Michiel de Vries, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 3  Protecting the Internet from Dictators: Technical and Policy Solutions to Ensure Online Freedoms, by Warigia Bowman, …

Yoda: Stephen Hawking – Normal Matter 5%, Dark Matter 27%, Dark Energy 67% — the Next Breakthrough is on the Dark Side

Dark, the Force is…. Stephen Hawking sees universe’s ‘dark side’ as next breakthrough hunt United Press International, 17 April 2013 PASADENA, Calif., April 17 (UPI) — Renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, speaking in California, said the next breakthrough in cosmology will come from the universe’s dark side. “The missing link in cosmology is the nature …

Yoda: Google Glass — Dark Side of the Force? + Big Data RECAP

Concerns, have we. Google Glass: The opposition grows “Stop The Cyborgs” is a new site that attempts to bring a balanced trepidation to the unbalanced idea that we’ll all be walking round with Google’s outer brain strapped to our faces. The opposition will congregate in dark corners. They will whisper with their mouths, while their …