4th Media: Has the USA Foresaken the Rule of Law?

The Breakdown of The Rule of Law: America’s Descent Into Authoritarianism From early in one’s life, an American is taught the law and American institutions of justice are great equalizers within our society, ensuring that everyone is treated the same, no matter one’s class, race, or ethnicity. Yet, what has been happening quite recently, especially …

Chuck Spinney: Is Syria About Natural Gas Under the Mediterranean?

The attached essay describes the natural gas bonanza in the Eastern Mediterranean is packed with facts, and it will give you a headache reading it, but it is very important and I recommend it to your attention. Chuck Spinney Bastia, Corsica   Is the US Playing With Gas in Syria? Evan Taylor, Counterpunch, 2013-06-28 4:59 …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

Marcus Aurelius: Time for US to Get Serious About Setting Everyone Else “Ablaze”? — Sun Tzu Comment

Two articles follow:  one posits a seemingly global anti-US opposition, an Anti-American Network (AAN), and the other posits that political warfare is the answer to the Middle East portion of the problem.  IMHO, both are worth considering.  Further believe that, with respect to Boot & Doran’s approach, (a) coverage needs expansion to cover all the opponents Hirsch posits …

Gordon Duff: Allegations Against Bloomberg (Media) as Israeli PSYOP Outlet

Bloomberg [Media] Caught in “Psyop” Treason Bloomberg [Media] plays hoax against Obama A bizarre Bloomberg story, citing what was represented to be one of the biggest intelligence leaks in US history, hit during the G8 conference and the critical meetings between US President Obama and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. The purpose of the story …

Owl: It Sure Sucks When Reality and Conspiracy Merge – Is Greenwald Next? + Hastings & Car Hacking RECAP

The times, as Bob Dylan wrote, “are a`changin.”  Conspiracy theories about journalist Michale Hastings’ death – or murder – now have now been pumped out via “mainstream” vehicles, such as Huff Post, without it being just another exercise for bashing conspiracy theories with ridicule and rejection under the at-times hallucinatory influence of maximum prejudice and …

Eagle: USA Has Helped Japan Build Its Own Nuclear Weapons

A year ago this was reported, it seems timely now. United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium Joseph Trento National Security News Service, 9 April 2012 The United States deliberately allowed Japan access to the United States’ most secret nuclear weapons facilities while it transferred tens of billions of dollars worth …