Dolphin: Electricity Into Fuel and Water Remediation

A technology proposed to ARPA-E uses electricity to convert natural gas to high octane gasoline, specialty chemicals, and hydrogen in a single process efficiently powered by electricity. The electricity can be generated by efficient turbines. The conversion reactors are modular and can be placed near pipelines in units which can be scaled as needed. Each …

Berto Jongman: Alternative Treatment for PTSD

Brief Vignettes of Four War Veterans Receiving Energy Psychology Treatments Excerpted with permission from the full-length documentary OPERATION:  Emotional Freedom. Learn more about the film or order the full DVD In March 2008, eleven military veterans or family members, all with PTSD, participated in a pilot program where each received 10 to 15 hours of …

2013 Robert Steele: $500 Million to Resettle 1 Million on a Moonscape with Sun, Dirt, & Salt Water….Exploring the Practical Edge of Intelligence with Integrity — 2.0 Habitat Cost Sheet Posted

OUR OBJECTIVE:  Figure out how to take one million people out of a virtual hell and resettle them into a virtual heaven, using only $500 million ($500 per person), and three ingredients available in plentitude: sunlight, barren earth, and salt water.  Begin within 90 days and finish within two years.  In so doing, create the …

Berto Jongman: Millimeter Waves May be the Future of 5G Phones

Millimeter Waves May Be the Future of 5G Phones Samsung’s millimeter-wave transceiver technology could enable ultrafast mobile broadband by 2020 By Ariel Bleicher IEEE Spectrum, 13 Jun 2013 Clothes, cars, trains, tractors, body sensors, and tracking tags. By the end of this decade, analysts say, 50 billion things such as these will connect to mobile networks. …

Neal Rauhauser: Transcript of Meeting Between Julian Assange and Eric Schmidt with Department of State Staff

All sort of stuff popping up today.  Worth a complete and careful reading. Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt Friday April 19, 2013 On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK …

Jim Clapper: Do I Really Want to Be Here? + Robert Steele’s Simple Guide to Fixing National Intelligence + Intelligence Failure Meta-RECAP 2.0

Americans Must Call for Independent Counsel and Ouster of Clapper (Forbes) Fire James Clapper: The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about? (Slate) James Clapper, NSA and the “L” word (Washington Post) James Clapper Reassures Private Contractors In Wake Of NSA Leak (Huffington Post) N.S.A. Disclosures …

Owl: David McGraw State of the Nation State of the People

This is the latest extended piece by David DeGraw. I: Unprecedented Wealth II: Debt Slavery III: Mental Slavery – Conditioned Consciousness IV: The Spectrum of Thinkable Thought V: Behaviorism & Assembly Line Intelligentsia VI: Totalitarian Minds Inside the All-Consuming Cult VII: Free Your Mind VIII: Cyberspace Underground Railroad “For the past 35 years, with technological …