Review: Global Trends 2030 – Alternative Worlds [Paperback, Well Priced]

National Intelligence Council, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI/NIC) 3.0 out of 5 stars $75 Billion a Year and This is the Poster Child for the Public, March 26, 2013 Certainly worth reading, along with other and generally better reports linked below, but a huge disappointment. There is nothing here actually useful to …

Mini-Me: Fukushima – Japan’s 911 Israel’s Follow-Up to US 911 — Plus Comment on Need for Global Inspector General with Counterintelligence Mandate

Huh? Fukushima – Japan’s 911 The following is a condensed version of the very excellent information contained on based on official records and evidence which cannot be silenced. The fact that even a large proportion of the truth movement has shunned this report proves how deep the conspiracy goes. 1. Photographs of Fukushima show …

CIA’s CTO Gus Hunt On Big Data: We ‘Try To Collect Everything And Hang Onto It Forever’ — And a Few Things Most CTOs Do Not Compute

CIA’s Gus Hunt On Big Data: We ‘Try To Collect Everything And Hang Onto It Forever’ NEW YORK — The CIA’s chief technology officer outlined the agency’s endless appetite for data in a far-ranging speech on Wednesday. VIDEO 28:30 Speaking before a crowd of tech geeks at GigaOM’s Structure:Data conference in New York City, CTO …

Reference: US IC Global Water Security Study

2012 Global Water Security, US IC 2 February Assumptions: We assume that water management technologies will mature along present rates andthat no far-reaching improvements will develop and be deployed over the next 30 years. In addition, for several states, we assume that present water policies—pricing and investments in infrastructure—are unlikely to change significantly. Cultural norms …

Dolphin: Chinese Congress Puts Environment on the Table — Major Revolt within Congress, More Reforms Anticipated

China People’s Congress environment surprise TIM PALMER: In China the fallout is still being felt from an open rebellion over air pollution at the country’s annual session of parliament. It was a dramatic shift for a Congress that’s normally seen as no more than a rubber stamp. Sensing a growing environmental crisis, a third of …

Yoda: Google Glass — Dark Side of the Force? + Big Data RECAP

Concerns, have we. Google Glass: The opposition grows “Stop The Cyborgs” is a new site that attempts to bring a balanced trepidation to the unbalanced idea that we’ll all be walking round with Google’s outer brain strapped to our faces. The opposition will congregate in dark corners. They will whisper with their mouths, while their …