Rickard Falkvinge: Zacqary Adam Green – Reflections on Property

Ideas Can’t Be Property. Can Dirt? Reflections – Zacqary Adam Green:  So, we’re all in agreement that intellectual property is a bad thing that should not exist. What about plain old property? If no one has a right to monopolize the use of an idea, is there a justification to allow monopolies on the use …

Welcome to the Memory Hole – Don’t Kill the Leaker, Just Make Their Leaked Information “Invisible”

Don’t kill the Leaker, Kill the Leaker’s Information The particularly nasty end of the spear of IC clandestine services, the part that kills people, may be out of a big part of their job thanks to technology, in the light of the terrifying but deeply interesting article by Peter Van Buren. They don’t don’t have …

Jean Lievens: BIll Moyers on The Great American Class War – Plutocracy versus Democracy + Bill Moyers @ PBI & Democracy @ PBI

Bill Moyers | The Great American Class War: Plutocracy vs. Democracy By Bill Moyers, TomDispatch | Speech Excerpt Thursday, 12 December 2013 09:14 I met Supreme Court Justice William Brennan in 1987 when I was creating a series for public television called In Search of the Constitution, celebrating the bicentennial of our founding document.  By …

SmartPlanet: 4% Completion Rate for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

Only four percent complete massive open online courses: setback or growing pains? Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have relatively few active users, and  user engagement falls off dramatically, especially after the first one to two weeks weeks of a course. Ultimately, only a handful of users persist to the course end. That’s the gist of …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Antibiotics in Livestock Arctic Ice Volume Bouncing Back Boston Globe on Tsaraev [Possible Disinformation] Conflict Foretold: America and China Conflict Monthly Interactive Map Counterterrorism in Pakistan: Lethargy Cyber-Intelligence Complex and Persecution of Journalists

Mini-Me: Palantir’s OSINT Demo + Palantir & All-Source Workstation Round-Up

Huh? OSINT Analysis of Sudan and South Sudan In this session, we will demonstrate how Palantir can draw from a plethora of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) data sources (including academic research, blogs, news media, NGO reports and United Nations studies) to rapidly construct an understanding of the conflict underlying this somewhat anomalous 21st Century event. …