Journal: What’s Wrong with American defense….

Phi Beta Iota: Notes summarizing the 59 minute video are below the line. ….Watch this!!!!!  My good friend Pierre Sprey interviews Bill Hartung on Book TV about Hartung’s new book, Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex. The book is a history of the largest military contractor in U.S. history, …

Reference: The Fraud-Based US Economy

The attached blog,  “Failing to Prosecute Wall Street Fraud Is Extending Our Economic Problems,” is a cut-and-paste accumulation of a variety of outlooks. Most are  based on analyses or accumulated wisdom, but some appear based on hunches, ideologies, etc.  Taken together, however, they paint a horrifying picture of the American political economy and our prospects for …

NIGHTWATCH EXTRACT: STRATFOR Does Not Understand Intelligence

NIGHTWATCH For the record. STRATFOR published an essay on intelligence that posited that the tension in the intelligence world is between collectors and others and analysts. That mischaracterizes of the source of the tension and shows very limited insight. At the national level, among national agencies, there is an overwhelming volume of information sharing on …

Reflections on Convergence in 2012, Emergence Unknowable

Executive Summary: Extremes are in active conflict today within the USA, with Transpartisan Upwising being one extreme and the No Labels “Non-Party” being another extreme.  They join the dysfunctional extremists of the two-party tyranny/bi-opoly.  Not yet emergent is a co-creative function that brings together public money, public knowledge, and a public process to create a …

Reference: Legitimate Grievances by Robert Steele

As we all observe with stunning detachment the symbiotic continuance of Bush-Obama Democratic-Republican support to the Wall Street looting of America led by Goldman Sachs, whose executives continue to “own” the Department of the Treasury and the Bank of New York (Federal Reserve), I believe it helpful to itemize some legitimate grievances that could inspire …