2004 Briefings in Italy on The New Craft of Intelligence

2002 FAILURE of 20th Century Intelligence 2004 COLLECTION: Know Who Knows 2004 PROCESSING: Make the Most of What You Know 2004 ANALYSIS: All-Source Analysis, Making Magic 2004 NEW RULES for the New Craft of Intelligence Note: Ms. Carol Dumaine of CIA’s Global Futures Partnership was also invited and authorized by CIA to present at the …

2004 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future

Robert David STEELE Vivas 4 Jun 04 Keynote to International Intelligence History Association (Graz, Austria) FINAL 1.6 dated 30 May 2004 RTF 9 Pages: Steele IIHA Keynote 21st Century Intelligence FINAL RTF 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future Robert David STEELE Vivas Let me begin by paying tribute to two historians, five realists, …

2004 ANALYSIS: All-Source Analysis, Making Magic

PPT: Analysis Making Magic Technology is not a substitute for thinking.  Memorize this sentence, the last sentence in Jim Bamford’s book, BODY OF SECRETS:  Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (page 613, literally the last sentence in the book, note the last three words: “Eventually NSA may secretly achieve the ultimate in quickness, compatibility, …

2004 Robert Steele: Reinventing Intelligence, From Truth, Power

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: FROM TRUTH, POWER Robert D. Steele, MA MPA NWC CIA(OPS) USMCR President, OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS, Inc. Editor’s Note: [Mr. Steele is a veteran of the clandestine service with three back-to-back tours in Latin America]. He received two awards while an operations officer. He has also served in offices responsible for programming satellite systems …