2003 Davis (US) Analytic Paradoxes: Can Open Source Intelligence Help?

PLATINUM Jack Davis, De Facto Dean of the U.S. Intelligence Analytic Corps For over three decades, Jack Davis has been the heir to Sherman Kent and the mentor to all those who would strive to be the world’s most effective all-source intelligence analysts.  As a Central Intelligence Agency analyst and educator, he combines intellect, integrity, …

2003: Peacekeeping Intelligence Leadership Digest 1.0 (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Peacekeeping Intelligence Leadership Digest 1.0[i] Robert David Steele Ben de Jong, Wies Platje, and Robert David Steele, PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future (OSS International Press, 2003), pp. 201-225. Original As Published Executive Summary The Brahimi Report, in combination with documented field experience from numerous UN peacekeeping missions, and the memoirs and published statements …

2003 Information Peacekeeping & the Future of Intelligence – The United Nations, Smart Mobs, & the Seven Tribes (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Information Peacekeeping & the Future of Intelligence ‘The United Nations, Smart Mobs, & the Seven Tribes’[1] Robert David Steele Ben de Jong, Wies Platje, and Robert David Steele, PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future (OSS International Press, 2003), pp. 201-225. Original as Published Full Text Online for Ease of Automated Translation

2002 Information wants to be free (UN ITU)

ABOUT Communication is fundamental to the valorisation of information, and together information and communication play multiple roles in social development. For example, layers of information have accumulated over generations to provide us with the stock of knowledge we take for granted in science, culture and everyday life. This knowledge is communicated from person to person …