#OWS Rolling Update + US Revolution RECAP

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.  ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.  COALITION CABINET is the method.  INTEGRITY is the core value.  COMMONWEALTH RESTORED is the outcome. Occupy Revolution OccupyWallStreet (Home Site) Original Electoral Reform Documents (Updated) We the People Reform Coalition   25 March 2012 Penn Badgley …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Counter-Terror Drone Boss – Cognitive Dissonance in Spades + RECAP

Tough to only have a hammer when you really need a fly swatter. Washington Post March 25, 2012 Pg. 1 The CIA’s Enigmatic Al-Qaeda Hunter Convert to Islam has led spy agency’s renewed assault on terror group By Greg Miller For every cloud of smoke that follows a CIA drone strike in Pakistan, dozens of …

Richard Wright: USMC “Learns” From StratFor – Integrity? – We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Integrity

Robert, I have given up on the U.S. Intelligence Community; it simply reflects the fact that the U.S. Federal Government and the Political System that it is based on are devoid of both common sense and integrity at all levels. The coruption has undermined our entire National Security Establishment. Clapper’s departure (if valid) is just …

IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 1: Process

Steele on Electoral Reform Part 1: Process Independent Voter Network, 6 March 2012 The election process shall reflect the eleven International Election Integrity Principles of Transparency, Chain of Custody, Observer Access, Checks & Balances, Enforcement of Election Laws, Right to Paper Ballot and Open Source Software, Right to Polls and Protection of Poll Workers; Right …

Search: lord james of blackheath (not) dead + Meta-RECAP

NOTE:  The original reports of his death have been discounted by various sources including the House of Lords.  What seems to be happening in deep background is a rearrangement of financial power relationships, with Asian centers rising and European centers falling.  There is no credible public intelligence on the matter. Lord James of Blackheath Describes …

Robert Steele: Japan Connects with the Truth

The truth about what happened in Japan will not be known for some time. Remarkable, however, is the below admission of two key attributes for successful governance:  first, share all information broadly and quickly; and second, do not believe ignorant over-confidence (if not outright lies) told by “experts” from both the public and private sector.  …