Search: basics of open source intelligence

This entire site is about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and its follow-on, Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2), so your search might have been better off with just a search for basics, or training, but here is what human-in-the-loop offers both to answer your question and to result in an automated hit the …

Search: jack davis analytical support for peace

This really should be two searches. Seaching for Jack Davis yields: Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Jack Davis Search: jack davis and his collected memoranda o Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational] Graphic: The UN and the Eight Tribes of Intelligence Searching for analytic support for peace yields: Journal: Haiti–Ready for a Rapid-Response Open-Source-Intelligence-Driven …

Journal: Haiti Update 21 February 2010

U.N. aid chief ‘disappointed’ with Haiti earthquake relief efforts UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations’ top humanitarian relief coordinator has scolded his lieutenants for failing to adequately manage the relief effort in Haiti, saying that an uneven response in the month after the devastating Jan. 12 earthquake has undercut confidence in the world body’s ability …

Journal: ClimateGate Updated 19 February 2010

Climate pact appears increasingly fragile; U.N. official quits Pessimism about global climate talks deepened Thursday as Yvo de Boer, the United Nations’ top climate official, resigned after struggling for 3 1/2 years to produce a binding legal treaty requiring the world’s major emitters of greenhouse gases to slash their carbon output in the coming decades. …

Search: oss press cammaert

Generally Word Press search, which updates constantly, is much better with simpler searches.  Searching only for cammaert produces the following hits that we have resorted in relative order of value (Wrod Press delivers in reverse chronological order).  General Patrick Cammaert, RN NL (Ret) is the best qualified person we know to be the first Assistant-Secretary …