Chuck Spinney: Is Climate Science Like the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (III)?

As I have indicated in earlier blasters, I find the parallels between the political forces corrupting defense “science” and climate “science” to be stunning (e.g., directly here or more subtly here). Attached is a very thoughtful piece by the distinguished Australian scientist Garth Paltridge.  His subject is the psychological state of play in the politicization of climate science, …

Tom Atlee: Occupy Adopts Open Everything Meme

Occupy Rio+20 Publishes Open Source Imperative The following statement will be presented by the Earth Summit WG to the United Nations as a participating group in the Rio+20 conference in Brasil. The Open Source Imperative Hello World, We Who Occupy The Earth thank the UN for supporting civil society through granting us “interested party” status …

Owl: Obama Will Free Traitor Pollard – The Only Question is How Big a Bribe It Will Take – Billions?

Why Obama Will Free Jonathan Pollard President accepts Israel infallibility doctrine  by Grant Smith, June 09, 2012 The US Department of Justice has released new files about convicted spy Jonathan Pollard’s bid for presidential clemency.  Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 after passing more than a million highly classified documents to Israel while …

John Robb: Worms, Drones, SuperBugs, & Plagues – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

This Version of the Four Horsemen the Apocalypse actually Makes Sense What types of weapons will use self-replication (which in this context means the ability to easily and rapidly make exact copies of themselves on a massive scale without human oversight)? Here’s a really simple taxonomy.  Had some fun with this.  All of these use …

Patrick Meier: UN Report on Big Data for Development – Highlights

Big Data for Development: Challenges and Opportunities The UN Global Pulse report on Big Data for Development ought to be required reading for anyone interested in humanitarian applications of Big Data. The purpose of this post is not to summarize this excellent 50-page document but to relay the most important insights contained therein. In addition, I …

Berto Jongman: Reference on Public Health Approach to Internet Security

Report Release: What Internet Security Can Gain From a Public Health Approach NEW YORK, June 4, 2012 – The Internet puts people, systems, and networks in constant contact worldwide, and it needs a global, coordinated effort to protect digital systems from online threats-just like the public health community’s efforts to defend our bodies from illness. …

Mini-Me: Obama Moves To Crush Poland After Global Genetic Disaster Revealed

Huh? Obama Moves To Crush Poland After Global Genetic Disaster Revealed By: Sorcha Faal A Ministry of Foreign Affairs report circulating in the Kremlin today states that United States President Obama has undertaken a campaign to “crush” the nation of Poland after its government this past week officially banned the planting of Monsanto’s MON810, a …