Robert Steele: The FBI [and CIA and NSA and DoJ] Must Be Torn Down, Root and Branch, and Reconstituted

We Need To Know If Intelligence Agencies Covered Up The 1996 Crash Of TWA 800 William F. Marshall, Judicial Watch The political and investigative similarities between the TWA 800 and Hillary Clinton server cases, as well as the anti-Trump investigation, are eerie and deeply disturbing. The FBI must be torn out, root and branch, and …

William Binney & Robert Steele at CATO: 9/11 False Flag NSA Shut Down Watered Down Thin Thread Down Precisely to Prevent Revelation of US Persons Involved in the False Flag event

NSA: Ordered to NOT Examine Data that May Prove 9/11 “False Flag” Terrorism? On September 4, 2018 at DC’s Cato Institute, a panel discussion was held regarding “The NSA and the Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned.” Karl Golovin (a retired U.S. Customs special agent and 9/11 responder asked: If U.S. Persons (intelligence, military …

Mongoose: Viet-Nam Going After Monsanto for Agent Orange

Love overdue.  Death to Monsanto! Vietnam Set to Increase Legal Pressure on Monsanto for Millions of Agent Orange Victims Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry has stated that they will re-visit legal channels in an attempt to receive damages for over one million people, from a group of chemical companies including Monsanto and Dow Chemical, which produced the …

Event: NSA & The Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned CATO DC Tuesday 4 September 2018 1000-1200 Luncheon Buffet to Follow – C-SPAN Present

The NSA and the Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned Featuring William Binney, Former Crypto-Mathematician, NSA; Kirk Wiebe, Former Senior Analyst, NSA; Edward Loomis, Former Computer Systems Analyst, NSA; Thomas Drake, Former Senior Executive Service Member, NSA; and Diane Roark, Former Professional Staff Member, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; moderated by Patrick Eddington, …