Anthony Judge: Requisite 20-fold Articulation of Operative Insights? Checklist of web resources on 20 strategies, rules, methods and insights

Requisite 20-fold Articulation of Operative Insights? Checklist of web resources on 20 strategies, rules, methods and insights Introduction Web resources Toolkit for operacy? Coherence, comprehensibility and credibility of a cognitive toolkit Reconciling “positive” and “negative” operational insights Cognitive operational sets recognized dynamically rather than statically Operational insight sets as resonance hybrids? Constraint of the 7-fold …

Anthony Judge: Cognitive Embodiment of Nature “Re-cognized” Systemically

Cognitive Embodiment of Nature “Re-cognized” Systemically Radical engagement with an increasingly surreal reality Introduction Indications in place of reasoned argument Nature as a cognitive exoskeleton for humanity? Renaissance of the environment and psychology of sustainability Potential cognitive embodiment of other species: “re-cognized” in a global context? Intercourse with the environment as cognitive “shapeshifting” Potential cognitive …

Anthony Judge: Post-Apocalyptic Renaissance of Global Civilization Engaging with Otherness Otherwise?

Post-Apocalyptic Renaissance of Global Civilization Engaging with Otherness Otherwise? Introduction Renaissance beyond the constraints of conventionally reasoned argument? Appropriateness of rebirth metaphor for Renaissance of civilization? Global surreality farming vs planned reality framing? Engaging the imagination through metaphorical “stargates” Configurations of fundamental values as “stargates” Recognizing missing values and the challenge of configuring value dilemmas …