Anthony Judge: New World Order of Walk-away Wheeling and Dealing

New World Order of Walk-away Wheeling and Dealing Creating strategic dependency and vulnerability through confidence tricks Introducing the new reality Options for increasing European defence expenditure to 4% GDP or more? Strategic dependencies and vulnerabilities Sealing the deal in the New World Order — and the “diplomatic clause” Agreements between “progressives” in a period of …

Anthony Judge: Fundamental Need for Human Sacrifice by Abrahamic Religions – Vital prerequisite for sustainable global civilization?

Fundamental Need for Human Sacrifice by Abrahamic Religions Vital prerequisite for sustainable global civilization? Introduction Nature of “human sacrifice” Human sacrifice practiced between Abrahamic religions Human sacrifice practiced between factions of Abrahamic religions Human sacrifice practiced symbolically within Abrahamic religions Human sacrifice practiced by Abrahamic religions against others Unconscious need for human sacrifice in Abrahamic …