Tom Atlee: On Empathy & Transformation

Juicy Compilations about Big Empathy and Transformational Conversation In the last ten days two major compilations have been posted related to the co-intelligence work – one on Big Empathy and one summarizing the work of the Dialogue and Deliberation Transformation initiative in January (“D&DTrans”). Here are overviews and links to both. Phi Beta Iota: Very …

Tom Atlee: Polarization

Last August-September I wrote “Polarization, Conversation, and Collective Intelligence” – my most thorough exploration of polarization – at the request of the Integral Leadership Review. It was not published on the date I expected and I finally moved on to other things. Only today did I discover that it has indeed been published.* So now …

Tom Atlee: Open Space

What do we, as members of the dialogue and deliberation community of practice, have to be and do to enable our most positive transformational impact in the face of emerging global crises which fundamentally challenge our business-as-usual habits and systems? We are now “opening space” for virtual Open Space sessions on the question of how …