Tom Atlee: Early Notes on Co-Intelligent Activism

I’ve written a lot about co-intelligent activism and just recently discovered my original writings on the subject from two decades ago. These reflections are still very relevant. They may well change your idea of what social change activism is – or should be – all about. Early Reflections on Co-Intelligent Activism Below are the three …

Tom Atlee: Co-Intelligence FAQ

What is intelligence? What is co-intelligence? How is co-intelligence a bigger form of intelligence? What is a bigger picture perspective and what are bigger picture outcomes? What helps people make co-intelligence happen? Isn’t co-intelligence just collaboration? What’s the difference between co-intelligence and collective intelligence? What is co-stupidity? What causes people and groups to be co-stupid? …

Tom Atlee: Avoiding Reductionism Between Co-Intelligence and Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence is more than most people in the field think it is. And co-intelligence is more than collective intelligence – since it includes collective intelligence and goes way beyond it. In this post I try to indicate the differences between these concepts, provide a taste of how big they each are, and offer a …