David Swanson: The Revolution Note Being Televised (US Protesters Going to Jail)

The Revolution That’s Not Being Televised Hundreds gathered in Dallas to reject the Bush Lie Bury, and three went to jail.  I flew from Dallas to Syracuse, where hundreds protested Obama’s drone-murder program, and 32 went to jail and are still there (and will stay until trial unless bail can be raised) — some of …

David Swanson: Non-VIolent Catholic Protester Sentenced to Six Months in Prison

Nonviolent Protester of Drone Wars Sentenced to Federal Prison Catholic Worker Brian Terrell of Maloy, Iowa has been sentenced to serves 6 months in a federal prison for his witness against the use of drone warfare.Below is a message from Brian and his statement before the court.Friends, We are just out of court. I have …

David Swanson: NATO, Sardinia, Contamination, & The Truth

ADVANCE EXTRACT Demands of the people ·       Transparency and truth – reveal what chemicals and metals have been used. ·       Close all of the bases and radar facilities – completely de-militarize the island. ·       Clean and decontaminate the bases and land, aquifers and sea around them. ·       Provide health care to all people affected by …

David Swanson: Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders on Gaza Flotilla

Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders on Gaza Flotilla On the Second Anniversary of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders of Nine Passengers By Ann Wright Two years ago I was a passenger on the first Gaza Freedom Flotilla which was sailing to break the …